The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#184146 by FFLinchpin
Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:11 pm
Phase wrote:
FFLinchpin wrote:Yeah ive been thinking about dusting off my guitar and taking lessons, but anymore its hard to find time or motivation to do so. Plus its $15 for 30 minutes. Thats why id love to join a band and have them write the music, and ill just write the lyrics. Although even mixing lyrics with music to fit both structurally and emotionally is quite the art. Also, id like to have the ability to convey my feelings through music, and in order to do so, you cant have someone write the music for you. :sad:

I disagree. You just have to make sure the song sounds right to you. For instance, my old band wrote a song (the name of which escapes me) and iI wrote the lyrics for them. The lyrics were insanely angry for what ever reason - But the song ended up being almost soft. YOu could feel the tension and the confusion in the vocals and all the instruments, but for something that I thought would sound like, I dunno, Shitstorm, ended up sounding more like Tiny Tears. xD

So yeah, anyone can write teh music, you've just got to make sure it feels right when you're singing it.

Thanx for the input. That actually gives me hope. Obviously since im not too sure on the whole song writing process i didnt know for sure, but it just seemed to me that it wouldnt really turn out right that way.
#184902 by Sam-I-Am
Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:44 am
speaking of lyrics...
I've hunted HIGH and BLOODY LOW and cannot find the lyrics to Red Tomorrow. I think I've checked out every reference to the song to which Google links. I've also searched the forums. Help?

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