The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#160853 by bobbyjointritual
Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:29 am
Hey, I'm trying to transcribe this piece of beauty. But, I'm having trouble figuring out what Cohen is saying in this part:

"This is the ____ of dying
It is important now tor ecognize your own nature
Do not resist this
Do not be afraid"

I know it's trivial but it's bugging me!

#160854 by bobbyjointritual
Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:48 am
Nevermind, I found it. It's "Bardo"

#163396 by HevyMinik
Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:09 am
I've always thought he said;

"This is the art of dying"?
#179879 by lillepott
Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:32 pm
Hi, I'm mostly a lurker here, but this caught my interest.

From Wiki:
The Tibetan word Bardo means literally "intermediate state" - also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state".

I think an even more interesting point is the title of the song.
Again, from Wiki:
"Consciousness causes collapse" is the name of an interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which observation by a conscious observer is the cause of wave function collapse.

I like how some of Dev's music is filled with hints to these themes. Skesis is another good one, with the "...relates to all god, vibration" part. There should be a separate thread for the mystic themes in his music.

I can't wait for Ki, 'cause it seems to be filled with more references to wacky theories.

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