The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#177400 by Rabid Pickle
Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:22 am
Devin, I am currently attending Musicians Institute in Hollywood for audio engineering. I'm learning SSL boards (Neve next quarter), pro-tools, microphones and placement....ALL that stuff. I was wondering how you became so good at engineering. All your projects sound AMAZING! Crisp, heavy, deep, wet...just all around sexy.
Where did you start? What is some of your favorite software/hardware/techniques? Just anything you can share would be awesome.

And if you are ever in need of an assistant, errand boy, slave/indentured servant or just someone to pass your knowledge on to...uh, let me know!

I WILL work with you one day. :)

Thanks Dev.
#177401 by soundsofentropy
Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:56 am
Rabid Pickle wrote:Devin, I am currently attending Musicians Institute in Hollywood for audio engineering. I'm learning SSL boards (Neve next quarter), pro-tools, microphones and placement....ALL that stuff. I was wondering how you became so good at engineering. All your projects sound AMAZING! Crisp, heavy, deep, wet...just all around sexy.
Where did you start? What is some of your favorite software/hardware/techniques? Just anything you can share would be awesome.

And if you are ever in need of an assistant, errand boy, slave/indentured servant or just someone to pass your knowledge on to...uh, let me know!

I WILL work with you one day. :)

Thanks Dev.

I think we'd all be pleased to take that position. :D

Well, I would, anyway.
#177403 by The Dev
Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:57 am
I just made sure my failures were public...then it's trial by fire to get your shit together for the next time.

Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.

#177406 by Rabid Pickle
Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:07 am
The Dev wrote:I just made sure my failures were public...then it's trial by fire to get your shit together for the next time.

Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.


Hmm! Thank you!

Wonder what living costs are in northern Canada....
#177426 by cluna_33
Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:07 am
Rabid Pickle wrote:
The Dev wrote:I just made sure my failures were public...then it's trial by fire to get your shit together for the next time.

Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.


Hmm! Thank you!

Wonder what living costs are in northern Canada....

In Vancouver??

#177427 by Devymetalnut
Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:39 am
Whoa that is awesome. Im currently working/attending a college in Plymouth England called Deep Blue sound and i agree, your engineering and production techniques are very unique compared to most stuff i listen to, so huge and epic sounding with so many hidden layers and sonic treats for your listeners. Currently honing my skills also, but i would greatly benefit from any tips you might have or reccomendations of recording software you might favour. Im currently using the latest cubase, pro tools and logic equipment and am fully getting to grips with each but am just wondering what Dev favours really. i would also be an honoured candidate to be your audio slave! But seriously, i am very dedicated to music, its whats keeping me sane at the moment. I wish to be more than talking meat.

Cheers anyhow dev. \m/
#177463 by AlucardXIX
Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:52 pm
The Dev wrote:I just made sure my failures were public...then it's trial by fire to get your shit together for the next time.

Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.


Dear god Devin I'm your man! I've spent some time in a studio down here learning some basics, not the best with Pro Tools but I know Sonar pretty damn well!
#177897 by HevyMinik
Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:04 pm
Does any of you guys do any live sound engineering? I think it's the best way to gather exprience before you enter a studio.

#177972 by Shit_storm14726
Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:42 am
The Dev wrote:I just made sure my failures were public...then it's trial by fire to get your shit together for the next time.

Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.


Devin, it is impossable for a tiny little carrot to become a mighty savage. Seriously, totally excited for the new record. yellow has now fucked to ever cranberry dick! I love your balls. Forever duh.
#178035 by flaqueza
Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:02 am
The Dev wrote:Yeah, if I start to produce again, I'll be taking resumes for an assistant. Need someone who can troubleshoot and edit.


I'd love to jump on that bandwagon, so let us know when/if you are seriously accepting resumes. And like everyone else in this discussion, I'd love to receive some pointers...especially in the realm of compression and EQ (the Devin Townsend way).
#179670 by holtoid
Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:53 am
Great advice, damn I need to get my ass recording bands instead of myslef all the time. If anyone has time come check out a track that Mr Townsend inspired me to write, it;s got lots of layers, strings and solo's all over the place, it's called "gateway" let me know what you think (Mainly production wise).

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