The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#176006 by Pravus
Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:51 pm
Hey guys, i'm new here and I have a question. I've been hearing from a few people on other forums that Devin will be singing and contributing to Fredrik Thordendal's, the guitar player of Meshuggah, new solo album that has yet to be recorded. this album hasn't even been announced yet, but I've been hearing its in the works right now and that would be awesome if Devin sang on it! can anyone confirm this or has anyone else heard anything about this? thanks for any help!
#176010 by Biert
Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:53 am
I've not heard anything about this but it seems plausible. Thordendal helped Dev out with the drums on Ziltoid, so maybe Dev will return the favour. He's a big fan of Meshuggah anyway.

Besides, Dev is definitely one of the greatest vocalists out there if you ask me, a worthy addition to any project.

All speculation though! Nada facts about all this!

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