The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#175965 by soundsofentropy
Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:02 am
Does anyone know where I could get some Dev bootlegs (audio or video)?

This is, of course, assuming that Dev would be okay with that. Some artists don't particularly like unofficial recordings. I just can't get enough of his music, and he puts on a hell of a show. Anyway, I tried to search this forum a bit, but only came up with lots of talk about the Official Bootleg CD released in 2000. So, any help?

By the way, I'm looking more for solo work than for Strapping stuff, but I'd certainly be happy with either.
#175970 by Biert
Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:06 am
The Official Bootleg 2000 is available on

Then there's the DVD that came with Synchestra, although it's not exactly live. SYL has the For Those Aboot To Rock DVD, Chaos Years DVD and No Sleep Till Bedtime live CD.

And searching various peer-to-peer networks might provide a couple of real bootleggy bootlegs.
#175981 by JayjayAbnormal
Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:54 am
I lost most of the bootlegs Henrik gave me, unfortunately. I still have an SYL/Ocean Machine bootleg on my iPod I can take off with one of those iPod Ripper programs. PM me if you want it.
#175982 by soundsofentropy
Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:58 am
Biert wrote:The Official Bootleg 2000 is available on

Then there's the DVD that came with Synchestra, although it's not exactly live. SYL has the For Those Aboot To Rock DVD, Chaos Years DVD and No Sleep Till Bedtime live CD.

And searching various peer-to-peer networks might provide a couple of real bootleggy bootlegs.

Yeah, I have all the official stuff. I'm looking for those delicious little bootleggy bootlegs.

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