The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#166750 by Mr Clean
Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:58 pm
Ok guys, I'm a bit confused here and I need some help...

Thing is... I already own Ziltoid (special ed), Terria (special ed), Ocean Machine (german not so great edition), Punky Bruster, Alien, The New Black and... well that's it. Now, I want to buy some other Dev album and I'm stucked trying to choose between Synchestra, Infinity or Hummer (if there's still one available)... since I love all of Dev's records and I can't make up my mind trying to pick the one that I like the most, my choice will depend on... the album artwork...

To help me you just have to vote for the one that has the best booklet... :D

My favorite at this moment is Terria, the booklet is just... glorious... Travis Smith made a fantastic job on this well as in Ziltoid, though the booklet is not as impressive as Terria's...

The question then is... which one should I buy now? :?

How cool is Synchestra's booklet? :D

Is this topic in the right section of the forum? :shock:

Is my english good enough to understand what I'm asking? :o

Cheers! :P
#166760 by HevyMinik
Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:58 pm
FUBAR wrote:Synchestra, cuz its pretty sexy almost as good as the Terria artwork.

Yeah. And be sure to get the Special Edition :wink:
#166772 by Biert
Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:46 am
Naked Dev artwork = teh sexay!
#166846 by Mr Clean
Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:51 am
HevyMinik wrote:
FUBAR wrote:Synchestra, cuz its pretty sexy almost as good as the Terria artwork.

Yeah. And be sure to get the Special Edition :wink:

So... Synchestra digipack w/dvd... :P

What's the Hummer booklet like? I really like that album and I think that a cool artwork that matches the music (soundscapes?) can be an effin bomb... :o
#166851 by Persuader
Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:47 pm
It's a simle three page foldout, with a gorgeous galaxy picture inside.
#166870 by Mr Clean
Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:51 pm
Nathan_lol wrote:Buy the Infinity artwork and you get to see full body shots of Devin naked! His penis is gone, though.

ok... i'll consider that interesting feature you just remarked... :?
#166945 by Mr Clean
Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:44 pm
my problem is... money! :o

and I live quite far from canada... :cry:

so one at a time... :)

Synchestra then it is... :P

what about SYL? I really like The New Black... those shiny colors cause something... maybe because it's called the new Black or I don't know... :?

Alien is kinda boring... :?

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