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#164250 by shiram
Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:45 am
yea no poster for me either, and the tshirt isnt all that great either
i got the physicist one, and the logo is quite smaller and doesnt look like the picture they got on the website
it lacks details, and seems to be a somewhat cheap desing
#166149 by HauntingTheHoly
Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:08 pm
Alright, so not a single person has reported getting the poster. If the problem were "short supply" then there should still be *some* fans reporting they received the poster, but there was not a single one. Should we declare this a SCAM? I certainly think so. What should we do next? I've not been able to get a hold of anyone from MerchNow, though I only tried once back when the red flag was raised. Anyone else have any luck?
#166199 by Biert
Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:29 am
HauntingTheHoly wrote:Alright, so not a single person has reported getting the poster. If the problem were "short supply" then there should still be *some* fans reporting they received the poster, but there was not a single one. Should we declare this a SCAM? I certainly think so. What should we do next? I've not been able to get a hold of anyone from MerchNow, though I only tried once back when the red flag was raised. Anyone else have any luck?

Try sending an email to Tracy asking what it's all aboot? Maybe she knows more.
#166378 by Liquid
Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:18 am
I bought the Ziltoid shirt and got the poster. Less than a month ago. Am I the lucky one this time around?
#166467 by shiram
Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:19 pm
HauntingTheHoly wrote:Alright, so not a single person has reported getting the poster. If the problem were "short supply" then there should still be *some* fans reporting they received the poster, but there was not a single one. Should we declare this a SCAM? I certainly think so. What should we do next? I've not been able to get a hold of anyone from MerchNow, though I only tried once back when the red flag was raised. Anyone else have any luck?

all i know is im not ordering from there anymore, the poster is a minor setback, but the t-shirt not having the same size logo as on the website is quite a pain
#166472 by kyl88
Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:27 pm
Liquid wrote:I bought the Ziltoid shirt and got the poster. Less than a month ago. Am I the lucky one this time around?

Sounds like you must be.

I emailed MerchNow several times, but I never got anything but what seemed to be a computer-generated-reply.

I quite enjoy my T-shirts, so it could be worse. But I feel sorry for you guys who didn't get the poster.

As for me, I already have Devins' Herby Hancock :D
#166535 by HauntingTheHoly
Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:09 pm
CyberMartyr wrote:FYI, I put new MerchNow links up on HDR, Ziltoid, and Ziltoid MySpace.

Hey, thanks for your reply! When you say "new" links, do you mean they are slightly different from the ones that were posted before Xmas? On Ziltoid's myspace, I just checked and was amazed to see what appears to be the same MerchNow banner I clicked on back when the banner was first put up before Xmas! The banner says "Free autographed poster! (while supplies last)" :shock: If several of us clicked this or an almost identical banner before Xmas, did not get the shirt (supplies ran out?) yet there is STILL such a banner up months later.......something unethical seems to be afoot, right?

We'd appreciate any info you can give us regarding the authority on which these banners were placed. Thanks again for replying.
#166785 by sure-n
Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:30 am

Yeah I`ve tried emailing both MerchNow and the site administrator but still no response? whats up with this? pretty dissapointed that i didnt get a poster since i order within 24hrs (or there abouts.) of the banner being posted..

The free poster was a major factor in me ordering the shirt when i did, and to not get it, or even a response as to why i hadn`t, I cannot not feel a bit cheated.

anyway, hopefully this can all be sorted out.


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