The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#154181 by keriboi
Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:35 am
Greetings, Im new from New Zealand :)


From the Rock My Monkey interview

Devy said
"That I’m really stoked on, man. It’s like, kind of like this really quiet, sort of desert sunset ZZ Top prog thing that I’m working on, that I’m really excited about, man. And it’s like really mellow vocals, and lots of guitar. I don’t know, man. We’ll see what happens. Then again I might do an over the top symphony record, right? And then for other bands, I’ve got three bands that I’m looking at right now, and they’re pretty much confirmed, but I’m thinking if they choose to go with somebody else, I’m just going to hold off on saying their names."

Devy doing prog??? Awesome it would be great if he did something a little softer for a change, he has a great voice and his guitar rocks. Cant wait

#154190 by funny_little_guy
Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:33 am
Welcome mat this man... or woman/girl/boy/monkey.

#154215 by ghaleon0075
Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:19 am
It always seemed to me that quite a bit of Devs music has had a prog edge to it >_>

But anyway, welcome friend!

#154222 by Ike
Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:12 pm
looking at his latest statements, that zz top-thing has stepped back for the heavy metal symphony, so it's pointless to speculate.
i still hope he comes back to that project, but we all know how that man works. it might happen next time, it might aswell never happen at all.

#154224 by Biert
Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:34 pm
frequency-lsd wrote:Image

Hey that's my job!! :twisted:

#154283 by funny_little_guy
Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:12 am
So much talk about so many projects, it's great. Personally I hope he's acually working on them all right now and then annonces like a ten cd set to be released on my birthday.... but considering that's the 4th of August mabye pushing just a little... But still I can dream.

#154399 by hobojobozo
Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:41 pm
funny_little_guy wrote:So much talk about so many projects, it's great. Personally I hope he's acually working on them all right now and then annonces like a ten cd set to be released on my birthday.... but considering that's the 4th of August mabye pushing just a little... But still I can dream.

Knowing devin, that might be to little to expect by August :D I for one am happy that the Hevy Metal Symphony seems to be taking the forefront right now anyway. I can't wait!!

#155004 by atrus123
Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:18 pm
ghaleon0075 wrote:It always seemed to me that quite a bit of Devs music has had a prog edge to it >_>

But anyway, welcome friend!


Agreed, I'd call a lot of his stuff prog or some sort of prog.

SYL, on the other hand, is decidedly not.

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