The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#151611 by ConfusedGenius87
Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:02 am
Which is better? What are their specialties? I heard P is more like a SYL record and I'm not big on them (I prefer his soft, melodic side to his yelling but of course the combo is genius).

#151616 by shiram
Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:41 am
right now i prefer physicist, i wouldnt say its any kind of syl record
but it is definately not as smooth or soothing

so get them both!

#151642 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:18 pm
Physicist is a shiny, futuristic metal record with some nice speed metal influence as well as lots and lots of keyboards and catchy choruses. There is some yelling and screaming but it's relatively rare.

Infinity is sort of shiny as well in my mind, but in a much more deranged way. Every song has its own character, and most are absolutely huge. 'Truth' is one of Devin's heaviest songs in my opinion, but really not in the way you'd expect. It just feels like the sky coming down on your head in this beautiful torrent of sound.

I'd go for Infinity first, simply because there's so much variety on it-- you're bound to like a good number of the tracks. Physicist is horribly underrated, and really deserves more credit. I'd say it's the 'sleeker' sounding of the two.

#151654 by ghaleon0075
Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:15 pm
Well, before you get either, you have to keep in mind that both of these albums can be pretty inaccessable at first. Either way you go, you may have to give the album a couple of listens before it really 'clicks.'

That said, Id say go for Infinity first, for the reasons the guy above me posted.

#151661 by ConfusedGenius87
Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:55 pm
all his stuff takes a few listens I think

#151666 by into the voigtex
Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:24 am
They're both vastly different.

Infinity is an exhilarating rollercoaster ride of an album, running the full gamut of emotions... at various points majestic, foreboding, frightening, soothing, amusing, confusing, uplifting and sometimes it just rocks the fuck out. It has some soft, melodic moments and some crazy, balls-to-the-wall voices-in-your-head moments. It's incredibly diverse and eclectic but amazingly consistent.

Physicist, on the other hand, is a steady, speedy ride on a really fast futuristic sentient self-aware monorail continually going past the same station and tying to make some sense of its existence. Underrated album? Definitely. Not lacking in emotion per se, yet somehow strangely emotionless. More introspective and thoughtful than Infinity's brash attention grabbing self-glorification.

Infinity and Physicist both took some time to warm to, and for what it's worth, Infinity is one of my favourite all time albums by any artist, ever. Physicist is a good album, but I can take it or leave it depending on the mood I'm in. Ultimately I find Infinity a more rewarding listen and it still continues to give me goosebumps.

If you were forced at gunpoint to choose one album to listen to for the rest of eternity, pick Infinity. Otherwise, buy both albums and see what you think.

#151721 by ConfusedGenius87
Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:39 am
After listening to 30 second samples of each album, I liked Infinity a lot more. Physicist had too much fast stuff and a lot of it sounded the same. That's just after 30 second samples of each song which I know is not enough to know how the full song sounds. Just saying that after hearing those samples, I liked I more than P and ordered it.

#151723 by the_scoon
Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:49 am
ConfusedGenius87 wrote:After listening to 30 second samples of each album, I liked Infinity a lot more. Physicist had too much fast stuff and a lot of it sounded the same. That's just after 30 second samples of each song which I know is not enough to know how the full song sounds. Just saying that after hearing those samples, I liked I more than P and ordered it.

I like hwo you've abreviated the albums to one letter. I'm going to do that from now on! :P

I reckon I is better, but then again, I think I is the most amazing album period. So I'm kinda biased :P

#151729 by Lolliklauer
Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:34 am
Infinity is my favourite Devin-album (which makes it of course my favourite album ever), but Physicist is great, too.

I enjoyed the summaries of the previous posters, they are expressing, what i would have liked to say, too, but my english is just too limited for something like that.... :-)

#151774 by Cygnus
Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:48 pm
Comparing phyicist to infinity is like comparing a dick to a donut. Both the albums are so different, it's shocking how they could have possibly been done by the same person.

I think, however, that infinity is more true to devin's style. Physist was definately a more experimental album that came out quite awesome nonetheless.

#151775 by JayjayAbnormal
Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:06 pm
Infinity is like a great big climatic soundscape.

Speaking of climaxes, the last part of Truth is like a big climax, and than when Christeen kicks in its like "Woah, the sex aint' over"

#151786 by into the voigtex
Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:14 pm
Cygnus wrote:Comparing phyicist to infinity is like comparing a dick to a donut.

Yet according to the rules of your questionable metaphor, they are related. What else are the holes in a donut for? That's right, to put your dick in. :)

Cygnus wrote:Both the albums are so different, it's shocking how they could have possibly been done by the same person.

Um... not that shocking really. Many artists have more than enough capacity for diversity in their art. Devin probably has more diversity than most, but he's not an exception.

#151795 by djskrimp
Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:32 am
into the voigtex wrote:
Cygnus wrote:Comparing phyicist to infinity is like comparing a dick to a donut.

Yet according to the rules of your questionable metaphor, they are related. What else are the holes in a donut for? That's right, to put your dick in. :)

So THAAAT's where cream filled donuts come from. Who knew?

#151797 by Chris
Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:54 am
djskrimp wrote:
into the voigtex wrote:
Cygnus wrote:Comparing phyicist to infinity is like comparing a dick to a donut.

Yet according to the rules of your questionable metaphor, they are related. What else are the holes in a donut for? That's right, to put your dick in. :)

So THAAAT's where cream filled donuts come from. Who knew?

This gets scarier with every reply (except for this one) :lol:

#152106 by gurp13
Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:15 pm
Personally, I'd much rather have a donut, than a dick, in my hand. Unless it was my dick and I was gonna put it in the donut.

But, why waste a good donut by putting it on your dick? Eat the donut, fool! Then, put your dick in the cheesecake.

As to the thread's OP, I prefer Infinity. I really like Physicist a lot and enjoy it immensely every time I hear it. But, if I was gonna choose which to buy first, I'd buy Infinity. Listen to it five times all the way through (not all at once, though, unless you want to) before making a judgement.

Truth, Unity, those are some of the most beautiful pieces of music ever.

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