The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#150009 by cluna_33
Sun May 20, 2007 10:41 pm
Greetings guys, I just got back from a one week all inclusive deal in sunny Cuba. My girlfriend and I had an awesome time, I drank gallons of rum, smoked stogies on the beach and had my favorite musician's albums on my ipod cranked all throughout the week.

The coolest thing that happened was that while doing research on the resort we were going to be staying in, I read that the bartender at the beach-side bar is a 'big' rock fan. Unfortunately, rock music is not the easiest genre for him to get a hold of down there so instead of the usual tips that all bartenders ask for, this guy prefers if you burn him a CD with cool rock music. Hey guess what mix CD I burnt for him?? :D

You can't imagine how awesome it was to be suntanning on the sand and I heard the first notes of 'Truth' blasting all through the beach!!!! I immediately went into the bar and listened to the whole CD while checking out other tourist's reactions to the tracks. Everyone was bopping their heads and having a great time! Needless to say I had a shitload of drinks and made buddies with other tourists from Canada that had never even heard of Devin before, they were making comments like.. "Whoah, good song" "What CD is this?" It was awesome...even the locals were headbanging!!!

Just more proof of how good music is universal and can transcend all language, politics and beliefs. Devin, you are an absolute treasure to this country and I consider myself proud to be one of your diehard fans. Never stop doing what you do buddy....





#150010 by Josiah Tobin
Sun May 20, 2007 11:09 pm
Awesome story! Sounds like a cool bartender. :P What was on the mix CD? Or did you just burn him Infinity?

#150012 by cluna_33
Sun May 20, 2007 11:54 pm
it was a mix, off the top of my head there was:

Slow me down
Hide Nowhere
Colonial Boy
Sit in the mountain

There were about 16-17 songs but I can't recall which others right now...

I could have put other great songs on there but I didn't want it to get too heavy for the n00bs.

#150022 by FUBAR
Mon May 21, 2007 2:10 am
Great Story and great mix, accessible enough to appeal to alot people.

#150053 by junkmonkey
Mon May 21, 2007 8:23 am
very cool story!!! :)

#151034 by :)
Wed May 30, 2007 9:02 am

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