The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#125525 by BLOOOR
Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:21 am
maaan, just listen to Accelerated Evolution and be happy with it.
I'm all for the quirky stuff. It makes the music more interesting. I didn't think there was enough of it on Synchestra.

#125529 by Biert
Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:08 am
sj_2150 wrote:
Eyesore wrote:Or, I could just fuck off.

yeah do that


#125702 by Mudtrailer
Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:33 pm
Biert wrote:
The purpose of life is to reproduce (THAT'S SEX!!!!). If an animal can choose between reproducing and starvation on one side, or eating and not reproducing on the other side, it'll reproduce and starve. Some animals die during mating. (Black Widow spiders eat the male while they're having sex).

I dont agree with you here. People tend to take an anthropromorphic view of animals. First, I recommend, leave that aside. They dont think like humans.
Depends on the species, first off. If an animal has a gestation period of say, 2 years, what is the purpose of life in that time frame for them?

Or I could just fuck off...topic...

#125828 by Orion30
Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:13 am
I always just called these 'spiritual orgasms;' Mindgasms. I don't associate this phrasing as people sportin' wood though, like someone said. It's all just a thrill of emotions in your mind. It can take you to new places of extacy, that nothing physical can ever do.

#125868 by Mayday
Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:17 am
gurp13 wrote:My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.

And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"

I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.

Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.

dude that's the best post I've read in a while, seriously :lol:

on-topic: I like those funny and unexpected parts, like the part in Triumph, or the jazzy break in Bad devil. I use to play Devy's music in my car a lot. and lots of times when I was driving with someone, who wasn't acquainted with his music, they burst out with laughter when one of those parts came around. for some of them it became the trigger to get more into his music.

take a song like "Bastard" for example. it's HUGE, monolithic and I personally needed lots and lots of listens to "get it", becaue it takes a lot of time and effort to digest all the subtle changes to it's huge flow. now throw some totally unexpected part into a song like that (or any other devy song) and it will stand out and you'll remember it after your first listen of the song, may be it will be the only thing you'll be able to recall.

OK now someone tell me what I wanted to say with this post :?:

#125869 by Atari
Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:22 am
Mayday wrote:OK now someone tell me what I wanted to say with this post :?:

...that the "odd" bits rule?

#125886 by Yanko
Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:12 am
mods get picked by their geniality in translating concepts into tiny posts :D

what i find really funny is that the songs people say it takes a long time to "get" are some of my favorites right away most of the times.

okay, useless post too, sorry :lol:

#125945 by Mayday
Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:19 am
Atari wrote:
Mayday wrote:OK now someone tell me what I wanted to say with this post :?:

...that the "odd" bits rule?

yeah that may be it :lol:

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