The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#113471 by Reissdorf
Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:30 am
Let me preface this by saying I knew NO DTB songs before their set last night, I went to see Dark Tranquillity.

But wow, the DTB turned me into a fan last night. Even moreso after learning that Devin was sick with a high fever, and still played the show.

I picked up a copy of the new disc on my way out and have been spinning it all day today. I hope to have the chance to see them again when I actually know the songs.

#113473 by DamageCase_inc
Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:48 am
Great show! Didn't know Devy was sick though :sad:

Saw them a week beforehand in MD opening for Opeth, and it was basically the same set as last night, except for the addition of "Deadhead" in the mix.

Set list:


... just kidding about the encore... That's my wet dream.

I was hoping for a longer set too but, oh well. Amazing, nonetheless. Devin's voice was incredible and as some of you have said, he hit all the notes in the female parts of "Pixillate" effortlessly. Thanks to Devin and Ryan VP for hanging out and chatting after the show! Devin confirmed to me he's pumped about possibly producing the next Gwar album and also revealed some neat new SYL info :) .. and special thanks to Beav for being such a freakin' lovely guy and giving me the Evenlight album! Hail to the Beav!

#113476 by kremzeek
Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:22 am had me going there for a second with the encore!

#113480 by DamageCase_inc
Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:52 am
I was going to say "Roadkill", but c'mon, I gotta be believable here... even for just a second. :lol:

#113496 by BlueRaja
Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:47 pm
Ah Beav! Spreading his germs around...

#113503 by Jolted Joel
Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:13 pm
Yep, I thought they were dead on last night. Dev's screams were, in fact, perfect. Vocally it was a great performance, hell, musically it was pretty tight too. Ryan hits those drums hard! Interesting to see Dev playing through a Mesa Dual rectifier as well. Sounded great and I think the crowd was really into it too, which is nice to see....
I liked their set list, wish it were longer but I liked what they chose. Deadhead is cool, but would rather have seen Suicide. And everytime I hear Regulator live, I am reminded how much this song rocks live. it is significantly heavier than on the album, imo. They could come out and play Regulator 6 times and walk off and Id be cool with it. ;)

The guys were friendly as usual and seemed reaally psyched to be on this tour. DTB alwasy seem to tour with bands that have a slightly different, if not completely different, audience and usually benefit by strengthening their fanbase as a result. I think quite a few Opeth/DT fans will appreciate DTB.

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