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#111835 by Chris
Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:53 am
psychotic wrote:I may have missed it, but has anyone mentioned Roadkill yet?

That song is one of Devin's more fun songs, although the first time I heard it I thought that riff sounded very familiar.

Metallica - No Remorse

Atari wrote:Down and Under. Awesome.


Since Terria is still my favourite (I mean, if I was forced to choose it would be), I also noticed that this song doesn't get that much recognition. The album does have other attention getters, but that doesn't affect my view on this song. It's brilliant and a piece of simple beauty. Amazing.

#112432 by earworm
Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:43 am
I haven't heard all of his songs but i heard ocean machines on this site and was blown away. Yeah, and everything on physicist, what an awesome album.

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