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What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#105626 by Earth_Day_
Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:10 pm
Terria Ist Krieg!!!!! :chain: :guitar:

#105635 by Chris
Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:56 am
Earth_Day_ wrote:Terria Ist Krieg!!!!! :chain: :guitar:

Uhm... no.

#105691 by fragility
Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:58 am
Warlocki wrote:I voted for Terria because it´s just something so overwhelming.

So very true! I think I've already replied in here...I feel really guilty picking a favourite album, like I might hutr the feelings of the others. But if forced to choose it would be Terria, just beacuse I find it the most indescribable album on this earth and it gives me the most wonderful feeling :)

#107156 by sicsmoo
Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:45 pm
Just about time for a new one of these, to make room for Synchestra. 8)

#109667 by rgx612a
Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:32 pm
I guess we better delete this one sometime soon, and make another poll with Synchresta.

#109672 by EternalMetal
Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:16 pm
sicsmoo wrote:Just about time for a new one of these, to make room for Synchestra. 8)


Get rid of this crappy poll!!!!!!! :lol:

We need one for Synchestra! But how about we give it a month or two for everyone to get used to Synchestra to properly evaluate favorites. Because if we do it now, we will have the people who are still overwhelmed by its newness, and then we will have the elitists still stuck on the "old is better" way of thinking.

#109709 by Shamnera
Sat Feb 04, 2006 7:23 am
EternalMetal wrote:
sicsmoo wrote:Just about time for a new one of these, to make room for Synchestra. 8)


Get rid of this crappy poll!!!!!!! :lol:

We need one for Synchestra! But how about we give it a month or two for everyone to get used to Synchestra to properly evaluate favorites. Because if we do it now, we will have the people who are still overwhelmed by its newness, and then we will have the elitists still stuck on the "old is better" way of thinking.

Exactly what i thought, good point there.

#109726 by Brainwashed
Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:24 am
Yeah, right now I think "Synchestra" might be my new favorite, but I'm going to have to wait for 20+ listens to really start to decide. A big factor for me is 'durability'...the ability to be enjoyable, even on the 60th listen and beyond.

But yeah, in a month or so, we should get a new poll.

#109899 by batmura
Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:01 pm
Yeah, a new poll would be cool, but let's put it up a month or so later. Cause right now a lot of people would pick Synchestra cause it's so new and fresh. Same thing happened with AE when I first started the poll. I highly doubt AE would surpass Infinity if the poll came up a bit later.

Personally, to me, Terria is still the best. Then comes Ocean Machine and Infinity. I'd place Synchestra 4th place.

NP: Masterplan - Aeronautics

#109940 by Genocide_Junkie
Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:15 pm
Easily Terria.

Accelerated Evolution comes in 2nd.

#110850 by ForceFed
Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:41 am
Synchestra is probably my favorite as of now, really blew me way that one did.

#110886 by Biert
Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:30 am
Anyone gonna lock this topic? Now that there is a new album and a new topic, this one seems rather pointless...

#110907 by Atari
Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:30 am
Only if you promise to behave.... :D

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