The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#100754 by Ocean Soul
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:20 am
Ocean Machine :

1) Seventh Wave
2) Hide Nowhere
3) The Death of Music

Infinity :

1) Truth
2) Christeen
3) Bad Devil

Physicist :

1) Namaste
2) Kingdom
3) The Complex

Terria :

1) Earth Day
2) The Fluke
3) Stagnant

Accelerated Evolution :

1) Depth Charge
2) Deadhead
3) Sunday Afternoon

#100761 by FishyMonkey
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:52 am
1) The Death of Music
2) Funeral
3) Hide Nowhere

1) Truth
2) Bad Devil
3) War

Physicist I haven't heard.

1) Earth Day
2) Tiny Tears
3) Stagnant

1) Deadhead
2) Depth Charge
3) Suicide

#100800 by managram
Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:10 am
1, Life
2, 3 AM
3, Hide Nowhere

1, Life Is All Dynamics
2, Soul Driven Cadillac
3, Truth

1, Kingdom (got to be!)
2, Material
3, The Complexx

1, Stagnant
2, Down And Under
3, Earth Day

1, Slows Me Down
2, Storm
3, Away

1, Hypergeek
2, Pixillate
3, Let It Roll

#100803 by managram
Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:12 am
Forgot a couple...

Infinity Demos:

Om and Processional are incredible

Ass-Sordid Demos:

Ocean Machines

#100952 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:23 pm
Ocean Machine:
1) Hide Nowhere
2) Life
3) Bastard: Not One of My Better Days/Girl from Blue City

1) Bad Devil
2) Noisy Pink Bubbles
3) War

1) Irish Maiden
2) Namaste
3) Complex

1) Earth Day
2) Mountain
3) Stagnant

Accelerated Evolution:
1) Deadhead
2) Depth Charge
3) Slow Me Down

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