You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!

#144374 by ASHORIZZOR
Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:16 am
Goat mode on:
Goat mode off:

#144378 by Biert
Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:08 am
With all this talk of off-topic-ness, conversation has gone off-topic!! :D

Point is, most people are here to have fun, and that results in some funny comments that may or may not be related to the topic. Who cares? You don't have to read them, you don't have to reply to them. :)

#144389 by Chris
Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:46 am
kettle wrote:Do you think the member who started this thread will ever come back?

oh yes, he has... Dr. Young.

Sorry, but that was just pure comedy :lol:

cephalic sodomizer wrote:Anyways, I am about to conclude that Devin is not even saying Salman Rushdie considering he does'nt really read.

Not so fast! Just remembered this post by the Dev about two months before Synchestra was released: ... 55&start=0

The Dev wrote:Notes From Africa - Summarizes the whole damn thing. References and opposes 'Love?' from Alien, and really hammers the point of the record home, a real solid groove and a VERY STRANGE MELODY that has been in my head since Infinity. Salman Rushdie. It fades out into echoes that put you in a 5 minute jungle scape after the song is over. (we went to an indoor rainforest and taped the sounds of the waterfalls and birds) By this point of the record, I just wanted people to be in a tropical paradise for a few minutes. It's warm and beautiful. Technically, the record is over...

Ok... The words actually are "Salman Rushdie", but Dev hasn't read any of Rushdie's books yet, and ehm... Avoids giving us a reason for mentioning Rushdie in the song.

Ah yes... More confusion for all of us! Mission completed :wink:

#144394 by Biert
Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:56 am
I'll bet the name "Salman Rushdie" just sounded cool, that's why :)

#144396 by Chris
Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:11 am
Biert wrote:I'll bet the name "Salman Rushdie" just sounded cool, that's why :)

He has stated several times that he sometimes uses words just because of their sound, yeah... This example might be a bit extreme since it's the name of a real person, but considering the info we have so far I tend to agree with you, Biert.
#169487 by hairbearbunch
Sat May 10, 2008 4:03 pm
I bet Dev loves all this confusion he causes, I know I was confused when hearing the Rushdie chant, I was sure that's what I was hearing, these messages confirm. My first reaction was the idea's of freedom of speech. As for the Dr. Young thing I thought that was obvious, with the sounds of children behind the line. Then again maybe it's not so obvious, it could refer to the child in us all, not just children in general. Reminds me of a line I wrote "Take a look at the world, take a look through child-like eyes". I love the way kids simplify things, but as adults we dismiss the simple ideas because we have to complicate everything.
#190945 by Overtone
Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:05 pm
Whenever I hear something ambiguous in the lyrics I just take it to mean what I think it means. So when I heard "Hooray for Dr. Young" I actually thought it was Dr. Jung, the psychologist. That song has kind of a "collective consciousness" vibe to it for me, so that would make sense. I never even questioned it, but now I see it spelled out Young. Kind of like in The Greys, I always thought it was "Long Haul", but the booklet says "hall". Both of those could be intentional or typos, but I prefer not to think about it too much and just let what I hear influence me. As for the Salman Rushdie thing, after reading his comments I think it's just one of those melodies that echoes in the back of your mind for no particular reason, like a jingle.

On a semi-related note this kind of thing can be pretty fun for the artist and the listener. In "Over the Mountain" Ozzy sings something like "If you could see inside my head, you'd see that black and white is red"... but it's actually "black and white is read"! Such an awesome line since to me it's incomprehensible until I can see inside his head :P
#190990 by hairbearbunch
Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:31 pm
It is 'long haul', just the font makes the u look a bit like an l. Long Hall, could be cool too, give a grand sense of space in the imagery.

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