You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!

#112998 by cybercrash
Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:34 pm
Hey I'm glad the majority of the fans here do like the DVD and that this thread turned out exactly what I wanted it to be: just honest feedback on the DVD that might be of some value to Dev/HDR.

And as a response to Ike: there *is* a possibility that I might like the DVD more in a little while but I think that chance is rather small. All in all, it wouldn't have been such a problem if the Alien DVD wasn't that great, it just raised the bar for my expectations and I thought "hey if Alien got such a great DVD, man, this masterpiece called Synchestra must have a *really* interesting DVD" while it truly is nowhere near as interesting as that one imho.

#113007 by Naffis-kun
Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:26 pm
I'm not disappointed in the dvd at all :).
I don't care what he's doing in the dvd.
Just seeing him do something else than playing and singing on stage is cool enough.

Stoned? Lol.

#113013 by junkmonkey
Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:03 pm
i love the bonus DVD,it was totally worth buyin a 2nd copy of Synchestra!i couldn't have been happier with how the DVD turned out and it turned out great in my opinion,job well done DTB!in fact i enjoyed the performance part so much i ripped the songs off the DVD and burned'em to a cd so i can listen to it wherever i go!

#113081 by Mudtrailer
Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:55 pm
KAPUT wrote:I'm disappointed in this DVD, too. And not only in DVD but in Synchestra also.

What do you find disappointing about the CD? Just curious.

The only thing I wasnt big on was the flashing color swirls. Other than that I really enjoyed it. was well worth the extra couple of bucks.

I personally dont see how one can be disappointed by his vocals. how long in time have these different albums been out? The voice changes over time. I think he hit the AE songs right on. His voice isnt the same as it was when he made Ocean Machine. Thats just my opinion.
I thouhgt it was all good.

#113084 by a_random_person
Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:26 am
Hmm....looks like expectations were much higher than Devin! I did kind of hope for a stellar, top-notch DVD that you would usually get from other bands (like Metallica and so forth) but on second thought, the DVD is just....PERFECT. No hugh glamour, no ego-coated shit, just the dudes as well....what they are, dudes. Last time I watched it, I began to remember a few of the old days when me and my friends were just having fun and being silly and whatnot. This is definetely one down-to-earth dude and that just puts a huge grin on my face. It makes it easier to relate to. Could I do that with a metallica DVD? Nope.....unless I one day become filthy rich....

#113194 by Deathcom7000
Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:11 pm
You said it yourself. Fans are the ones who will find the DVD to be etertaining. Thats pretty much who he tries to appeal to. I haven't seen the DVD yet, but one day I'd like to. And from what I am hearing, I think it's nothing to be ashamed of what he's done with the DVD. He brought an awsome CD, and packed it with extras. But of course, it's in our nature as fans to demand more. But I personally think he's done his part, and instead of taking a break from it all- BOOM! he's on your AND making a new SYL album at the same time! Can you say working your fucking ass off? If you can't, you may have a speech impedament. If you can, you have just described Devin Townsend. The only thing stopping me from believing myself is that of course I'll take Devin's side because I'm a fan, and I haven't even seen the DVD. But I still hold this thought.

#113252 by BrunoN
Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:33 am
Honestly, DVD looks bare, menu sucks and these media-player-winamp whatever visualisations are the cheapest video effects EVER and spoil good footage. Hope next DVD will look better.

Gig is cool though, it's nice to see my fave Canadians at work at last. Dev sings good, sometimes looks like he's gonna scream his eyeballs off (or the other balls). Of course, he didn't sing this exactly like on the CD, because he need to clone himself to do it. There were some parts with multiple vocal tracks or overlapping phrases (or places without much space to catch breath) - everyone with minimal knowledge about how things are made will know that's studio magic and it's hard to replicate it live.

I'm also glad to see/hear Mike playing, because there wasn't much occasions to did it before - and now, Synchestra and DVD is full of nice, loud basslines, way to go! :)

#113257 by jofus
Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:09 am
i love how devin is on the DVD. If you dont, i personally just dont think you 'get it'.

#113258 by Biert
Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:13 am
I think if you spend more time on these forums, you will get to appreciate it more. I'm not sure I would have liked both the album and the DVD as much if I wouldn't be visiting these forums all the time.

#113280 by danceswithchickens
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:01 am
The DVD is awesome. It is you that sucks.

#113284 by danceswithchickens
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:10 am
And to everyone who disses the visuals; this is not a concert. There is no light show, no crowd, nothing but the band, the studio, and the camera guys to focus on. The visuals were an attempt to keep things interesting, and quite frankly, it worked very well.

#113285 by BrunoN
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:33 am
danceswithchickens wrote:And to everyone who disses the visuals; this is not a concert. There is no light show, no crowd, nothing but the band, the studio, and the camera guys to focus on. The visuals were an attempt to keep things interesting, and quite frankly, it worked very well.

DTB keep me interested. That colorful little shits flying through the screen kept me annoyed.

I don't have anything against visual effect. But good and well thought visual effects, not lamest possible thing overlayed over perfectly good footage and spoiling its quality. Sorry, but I'm rather angry at that.

I'm glad to have this DVD, it's great to see and hear them. But I think that they deserve to have a bit better presentation.

#113287 by Blazingmonga
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:38 am
danceswithchickens wrote:The DVD is awesome. It is you that sucks.

I think the DVD is awesome, but your second comment is a bit poor. Even though I totally disagree with the topic starter, I appreciate the tone of his argument and that it neither contained nor attracted comments like that.

danceswithchickens wrote:And to everyone who disses the visuals; this is not a concert. There is no light show, no crowd, nothing but the band, the studio, and the camera guys to focus on. The visuals were an attempt to keep things interesting, and quite frankly, it worked very well.

Absolutely spot on. I for one really love the visuals! I really like these kind of things anyway...the ones on the DVD remind me of a plug-in for Winamp I have called 'Milkdrop'. Very cool stuff.

Perhaps those who don't like the DVD so much would do well to record an audio-only version of the disc, and treat it as a best-of compilation. The audio is such high quality that I think it would work well as this.

Overall, this is definately the best bonus DVD I have seen. Very impressive stuff, especially given the budget and time restraints (and any bong water problems!!!).

#113288 by Blazingmonga
Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:40 am
BrunoN wrote:I'm glad to have this DVD, it's great to see and hear them. But I think that they deserve to have a bit better presentation.

Of course they do. I am sure that in the future there will be a fully-functioning live DVD, but this just isnt it. But that doesnt stop it rocking my mango.

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