You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!
#144155 by cephalic sodomizer
Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:02 pm
I am a huge Salman Rushdie fan and I can only suppose that Devin is as well. But what of chanting his name at the end of notes from africa. Why?
I have read three of Rushdies books and I just don't see where it fits into the song. For those of you that know not who salman is, his biggest deal is the book he wrote called " the satanic verses". Its an incredible masterpiece written in vein of the teachings of muhhamad. Thus the people of Islam still to this day blame Rushdie for exploiting their religion and making a mockery of it. In the late 80's when salman finished the book, islam put a million dollar hit on Salman's head for it. Even to this day, although the hit has been long revoked, he is still passionately hated by many for writing the book. It has a lot to do with freedom of speech. But anyways, whats up with synchestra and Rushdie, I have yet to find an answer............

#144158 by kettle
Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:17 pm
I thought that too, it always makes me smile how that author ended up fracturing across time and space with little more than forms of interpretation for thrust.

What conclusions should we make either way?

Does anyone know enough about Rushdie to sugest what some of the synchronisities could be?

#144169 by Biert
Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:18 am
Yay for search! :D
You can't imagine how many topics have been dealt with on these forums :P

#144180 by Chris
Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:19 am
Biert wrote:Yay for search! :D
You can't imagine how many topics have been dealt with on these forums :P

Search? I typed the whole goddamn link from memory!

#144182 by djskrimp
Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:32 am
Chris wrote:
Biert wrote:Yay for search! :D
You can't imagine how many topics have been dealt with on these forums :P

Search? I typed the whole goddamn link from memory!

Can I borrow your memory for awhile? Mine's all messed up.

#144183 by Chris
Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:49 am
djskrimp wrote:Can I borrow your memory for awhile? Mine's all messed up.

Sorry bro, but after having typed the link I had this strange feeling of hearing an explosion from the inside of my head - just a few seconds before smoke started to come out of my ears. Now all I do is sitting here, trying to remember my own name...
#144199 by kettle
Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:42 pm
That's a crap link.

...and it's locked.

and another thing...

I wonder how people find things to chat about that have never been chatted about before. (maybe someone can point me to a thread of things you haven't dealt with yet)

and finally...

...where do I get a badge that allows me to go around dumpin' off topic all over a thread which would have been at best ignored by those tired of chatting about it and at worse used to chat about something that was after all, quite a well written request for information and potentially a rewarding discussion for those who chose to participate.

thanks for the opportunity

and no, it doesn't mean I don't love reading your posts when you're not crapping out a high post count left right and center, cos reading here is what I mostly do. (probably a question of values)


#144299 by Chris
Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:05 pm
Oh, I didn't know that the number of possible answers in this thread is limited and that our crappy off topic-jokes steal space in case others want to add something serious and useful to the discussion. Go ahead.
#144352 by djskrimp
Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:27 pm
kettle wrote:That's a crap link.

...and it's locked.

and another thing...

I wonder how people find things to chat about that have never been chatted about before. (maybe someone can point me to a thread of things you haven't dealt with yet)

and finally...

...where do I get a badge that allows me to go around dumpin' off topic all over a thread which would have been at best ignored by those tired of chatting about it and at worse used to chat about something that was after all, quite a well written request for information and potentially a rewarding discussion for those who chose to participate.

thanks for the opportunity

and no, it doesn't mean I don't love reading your posts when you're not crapping out a high post count left right and center, cos reading here is what I mostly do. (probably a question of values)


Okay. Well, then I guess I will apologize. I didn't think about the fact that a serious question was raised, and that by adding my nonsense it inly muddled the point of the thread. I guess I should start using the PM option more often. I don't have a good excuse...I just like to post sometimes with things that pop in my head. I do the same thing talking, too. I'll just say what I think. That gets me into trouble, too. Sorry.

#144356 by Goat
Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:32 pm
Ah, kettle, you're out of line. It's a forum, people babble and jerk around because it's fun, like you wouldn't know that if you read stuff written here. :roll: "Thanks for the opportunity"? What's that about? If someone is interested in the discussion, no wise-ass reply is going to avert him from starting/continuing it. You know that too.

#144357 by cephalic sodomizer
Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:34 pm
I started this post and all i have to say is feel free to express your humor through it. Anyways, I am about to conclude that Devin is not even saying Salman Rushdie considering he does'nt really read. It sure does sound like Salman Rushdie's name though don't it? Another thing I've been wondering is who the hell is dr. young and whats he have to do with the song TRIUMPH? There seems to be a lot of words missing in the lyrics printed in the synchestra booklet. When I first heard it I thought of maybe C.G. Jung, but its young...........anybody?????????

#144358 by Bender
Thu Mar 29, 2007 7:12 pm
The Satanic Verse is by far my least favorite Rushdie book ever.

The Moors Last Sigh, and Midnights Children is where he's really at.

IMDRO of course.

#144365 by kettle
Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:08 am
Goat wrote:Ah, kettle, you're out of line. It's a forum, people babble and jerk around because it's fun, like you wouldn't know that if you read stuff written here. :roll: "Thanks for the opportunity"? What's that about? If someone is interested in the discussion, no wise-ass reply is going to avert him from starting/continuing it. You know that too.

I thought it was nice that a "new" member started a thread that wasn't spam and wasn't just a link for spider fodder for a self promoting web page. I also thought that for someone who was a serious reader of Rushdie they might have some inclination for why Devy used him as an e.g. at the end of the song. What was the similar dynamic that was being referred by this, presumably devy knows that "satanic verses" is a book of dreams of sorts and must have seen how the book represents something (an idea) that could not be easily be delivered lyrically.

Maybe it is a powerful name from our recent media history that devy put in to the song to make us feel lost. Maybe like a putting a mirror in front of a dog (us) and letting us bark at this "other" bad doggie who's in there but not behind there.

I know I like the the rhythm of the syllables in the name just at an aural level of interpretation.

I'd love people to speculate even if we never know.

and I love the jerking around I just like to see new people getting their momentum up long enough to keep coming back

Do you think the member who started this thread will ever come back?

oh yes, he has... Dr. Young.

In my head I thought Dr. Young was a reference to Mike or Dave Young perhaps one of the eminent scientists who reflect and contribute to a branch of science (physics) popularised by Dr. Skinny.

Thinking more, I think it's personifying the birth of new people, perhaps in a way that Mother Nature personifies the chaotic balance of our environment, Dr. Young is the guy responsible for getting "new people" from birth to the point where they control their own destiny and release their own creativity, thus picking up the torch of responsibility and guidance themselves. They become one of the contributors personified as Dr. Young.

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