You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!
#111940 by armheadmcgee
Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:23 pm
Now that Synchestra is out, someone needs to change the thing under the Synchestra section of the forum from "speak about the upcoming DTB record here" to a lyric from the record, obviously. I vote for "You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!" My favorite lyric.

Or, just what is your one favorite lyric?

#111959 by Deathcom7000
Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:40 pm
Here are my suggestions...

Calling, it's calling, I can't stay here

Every Day. With my skys of Grey. In my field of Green

Goodbye Daddy, babys here to stay

Send the message to Gaia

And your never alone while your feeding the crux of the you

#111984 by Miek
Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:43 pm

#111985 by into the voigtex
Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:55 pm
"She's a girl... not a lady." - Sunshine & Happiness

It's my favourite line from the whole album. Don't know why exactly - I just like the imagery.

Plus, I really like the way Devy sings the first "Deal with me now, VammmPIIIIIIRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH"

Oooo, chills.

#112027 by Mudtrailer
Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:50 pm
Miek wrote:Ready.


I say
"You are the rainbow.. you are the sun to my chameleon.... THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

#112028 by FlatHead
Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:51 pm
I have a fondness for that James Hetfield-esque Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah oooh yeeaaahh! on Sunshine and Happiness.

#112029 by Miek
Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:04 pm
Mudtrailer wrote:
Miek wrote:Ready.



If I were to pick an actual "lyrical line" from a song, it would have to be "Knowing I've known more than half my share. Knowing bade this triumph"

#112032 by gurp13
Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:16 pm
"And they said it was this and they said it was that and they said it was this, but it's... WHAT?"

#112036 by fragility
Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:34 pm
Going makes me tired

#112047 by Guuff
Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:41 am
"Through all the trials and all the miles, and cities made of gold.........where theres a freeway to carry you home."

#112048 by Guuff
Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:43 am
or actually i really think this would work!

"One word: Collective
Mankind: CONNECTED!"

short and sweet and sums up the album.

#112056 by FlatHead
Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:44 am
In my eyes I'm always falling.

#112058 by Dire
Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:07 am
"Come on in, my love ...come in, don't be a stranger..."


#112061 by Persuader
Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:03 am
Send a message to Gaia


Let it roll lassy, roll

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