You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!
#324958 by detoxdetox
Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:28 pm
Hello my firends! So, to finish all the right lyrics of "Synchestra" (and then put it to I have trobles with these songs:
1. "Pixillate". Who knows the WORDS (whispering of Devin) from 4 min. 35 sec. to 5 min.10 sec.?
It starts from: "Say Hello! ................... .......and to pixillate .......all time". I'm not sure about it so check it here:
2. "Judgement". Who knows the LYRICS from 1 min.? It sounds like: "Say you’re down, you’re down" Am I right? You can check it here:

So, please send me what you know about it.
#325021 by detoxdetox
Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:58 am
So, I have some words from "Pixillate"! It goes like:
"Stay to see (oh)
When time comes around being one (yeah),
One in this time in the hour
The edge of the end (oh) and into the rain
Until we pixillate to the end of all time"
How can check it?

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