The upcoming tour

Hi there,
Like many people around here, I'm pretty excited about the recent DTP activity and the upcoming shows. As an Aussie, I'm really pleased to see that Devin will be touring my home country again (what will it be, his sixth visit?), however, I won't be there to witness it. I'm currently living in South Korea and flying back home for a show is simply not a viable option for obvious reasons. This is most unfortunate as I feel my concert going days are coming to an end (since I just don't seem to enjoy live shows as much as I used to, and, I don't like crowds - particularly those with drunkards). Over the years, back in Australia, I've seen a heap of shows from my favourite musicians, including Devin. In fact, I've been very privileged to have seen him on three occasions from his previous tours and he's always treated his Aussie fanbase extremely well.
With a diminishing interest in concerts though, I have concluded that the only live gig I have any interest in attending is one involving Devin. I'm even more excited about this prospect knowing his recent lifestyle changes, namely the abstinence from drugs and alcohol. As someone that has been alcohol free for three years myself, it's been really cool to hear Dev talking about his own reasons for the change and I've really related to much of what he has said. Without turning this into my own little sermon, I just want to say that living consciously is an extremely brave thing to do and I applaud Devin or anyone else for that matter who chooses to be "awake." It's a really empowering way of being, once you commit to it...
So, after all that, my question actually relates to the possibility of Japanese shows - will there be any? Nothing has been officially announced and I have yet to see dates or venues listed anywhere, however, Devin did mention touring Japan in a recent interview. Given the unlikelihood of a Korean show, Japan is my next best option and I’ll definitely find a way to get there for it.
Just on this point, I have another question about the shows SYL played at the Soccer World Cup in Korea back in 2002 (or whenever it was). In which city did they play when the performance was broadcast on TV? It always amazed me how they were apparently the only Western band on the bill, which is utterly remarkable given the obsession Koreans have with disposable pop music. What was SYL even doing on the bill? Also, I cannot find any photos (or additional info) online about this performance. Do any photos exist? I would love to see them actually. The reason for my interest is because I live literally 15 minutes walk away from the Daegu World Cup Stadium and every time I walk past it to go hiking on the lovely mountains behind it, I think of Strapping Young Lad!
Anyway, thanks in advance for your responses. If the Japanese shows happen, it will be a real treat I’m sure. I also find it a rather amusing prospect - an Aussie living in Korea, travelling to Japan to see a Canadian! Any chance of a meet and greet?
Like many people around here, I'm pretty excited about the recent DTP activity and the upcoming shows. As an Aussie, I'm really pleased to see that Devin will be touring my home country again (what will it be, his sixth visit?), however, I won't be there to witness it. I'm currently living in South Korea and flying back home for a show is simply not a viable option for obvious reasons. This is most unfortunate as I feel my concert going days are coming to an end (since I just don't seem to enjoy live shows as much as I used to, and, I don't like crowds - particularly those with drunkards). Over the years, back in Australia, I've seen a heap of shows from my favourite musicians, including Devin. In fact, I've been very privileged to have seen him on three occasions from his previous tours and he's always treated his Aussie fanbase extremely well.
With a diminishing interest in concerts though, I have concluded that the only live gig I have any interest in attending is one involving Devin. I'm even more excited about this prospect knowing his recent lifestyle changes, namely the abstinence from drugs and alcohol. As someone that has been alcohol free for three years myself, it's been really cool to hear Dev talking about his own reasons for the change and I've really related to much of what he has said. Without turning this into my own little sermon, I just want to say that living consciously is an extremely brave thing to do and I applaud Devin or anyone else for that matter who chooses to be "awake." It's a really empowering way of being, once you commit to it...
So, after all that, my question actually relates to the possibility of Japanese shows - will there be any? Nothing has been officially announced and I have yet to see dates or venues listed anywhere, however, Devin did mention touring Japan in a recent interview. Given the unlikelihood of a Korean show, Japan is my next best option and I’ll definitely find a way to get there for it.
Just on this point, I have another question about the shows SYL played at the Soccer World Cup in Korea back in 2002 (or whenever it was). In which city did they play when the performance was broadcast on TV? It always amazed me how they were apparently the only Western band on the bill, which is utterly remarkable given the obsession Koreans have with disposable pop music. What was SYL even doing on the bill? Also, I cannot find any photos (or additional info) online about this performance. Do any photos exist? I would love to see them actually. The reason for my interest is because I live literally 15 minutes walk away from the Daegu World Cup Stadium and every time I walk past it to go hiking on the lovely mountains behind it, I think of Strapping Young Lad!

Anyway, thanks in advance for your responses. If the Japanese shows happen, it will be a real treat I’m sure. I also find it a rather amusing prospect - an Aussie living in Korea, travelling to Japan to see a Canadian! Any chance of a meet and greet?
