
#118068 by Atari
Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:31 pm
Just the DTB tour...... Ozzfest will be the end of SYL's dates this year...

#118069 by Pisshead
Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:08 pm
I'm thinking the delay in the touring might allow Devin to release some more special releases including the Hummer, or more producing. It'll keep me spending on HevyDevy once all the official releases have been acquired :D

#118078 by Tracy
Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:17 pm
It's just the DTB one. The SYL one came late enough and is short enough that we thought it would be okay.

#118091 by Big_d
Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:34 pm
edit... nevermind

#118107 by remster
Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:43 pm
Well, a 2 cent suggestion / question, but why not taking avantage of the SYL euro tour to make DTB as a support band ???


#118115 by Biert
Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:56 am
remster wrote:Well, a 2 cent suggestion / question, but why not taking avantage of the SYL euro tour to make DTB as a support band ???


Because Dev would be playing and singing two shows a night, which is tough. I guess touring with one band at a time is hard enough for him.

#118135 by remster
Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:06 am
Well, this is what he already did during the 2003 euro tour.

#118144 by pacman
Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:57 am
tnx for the info. would be cool to see them both at 1 show again. just like the 2003 euro tour like remster just sead

#118155 by Tracy
Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:49 pm
remster wrote:Well, a 2 cent suggestion / question, but why not taking avantage of the SYL euro tour to make DTB as a support band ???


The majority of the shows are festivals where the roster is by invitation. Therefore, DTB would not be playing most days and it would be a waste of their time and huge travel costs to get them over there for 5 or 6 shows.

#118157 by pacman
Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:52 pm
hmm dam.. but it would be cool though. maybe in the future? I really liked the 2003 al in the famely tour. as long as they visit the Netherlands :P

got the chance to meet them @ fields of rock :D to bad devin took of way to early so Jed had to get a autograph from him (Jed still many thanks for that)

#118159 by Tracy
Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:21 pm
pacman wrote:hmm dam.. but it would be cool though. maybe in the future? I really liked the 2003 al in the famely tour. as long as they visit the Netherlands :P

got the chance to meet them @ fields of rock :D to bad devin took of way to early so Jed had to get a autograph from him (Jed still many thanks for that)

No way of knowing. Devin doesn't hang out after shows much - only after a long rest. They are very taxing emotionally and physically so he needs at least an hour to "decompress" afterwards. He'll wander around before-hand sometimes but it is getting more unnerving to do so when all you want to do is get a burger and suddenly there are 30 people staring at/following you. Perhaps contrary to appearances, Devin is quite shy and doesn't like a lot of attention. Shows are one thing, you psych yourself up for it and play a character, but it's a lot harder when it's just YOU with no buffer.

The other guys are more outgoing and enjoy it and Devin does too sometimes but not as often.

#118167 by Pisshead
Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:52 pm
Yeah, when I saw SYL in Glasgow Devin took off fairly early and I was too locked in by sweaty Arch Enemy fans to go out and meet Gene and the others.

I usually feel really selfish if I go after a band, usually the only way I can do it is by going out to the carpark and waiting for the band to go out to their bus. It seems pretty invasive and i've stopped after Mike Patton glared at me for being there although Patton seems like the least appreciative band member i've ever met, at least Devin does it to unwind whereas he seemed to avoid any contact from pure arrogance.

#118219 by pacman
Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:48 am
Np. i'm really glad he makes al this cool music. I'm a big fan of his work. got his autograph on the flood cd's so it wasn't for the autograph that day. though If I had the chance to meet the greet Dev I should take it ;)

(the story)
they were at a autograph stance that day. and dev was on the left side. (I starded right). bij the time I wanted to ask dev for a autograph he was gone :P. that's why Jed went after him and got me an autograph

ow before I forget. Tracy. thanks for al the answers. really cool you keep answering, and got the time for al the Def fans

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