Atari wrote:...although it's impossible to answer unless you've heard the Terria version.
*pages Travis*
The answer is simple: I don't know.
Allow me to clairfy. while doing terria, Dev would send me rough demos. First just guitar and drums, for example...then he would send an updated version when something else was added. It was really cool. They were mostly on CDs that were unlabelled so I didn't know what was what. I remember a lot of things being different but I can't remember or not any songs that were there that weren't on the final. I do remember one of them being a tape, which had a song list when things started coming together more. for some reason I can remember this. I remember Africa being a title on there...which is what gave me the idea to illustrate it. I think I remember a track or 2 on this tape that was not on the album. I think. I can not be certain because I am going from memory.
Like, I definitely remember the title on the tape, and I THINK I remember the song for it, but cannot remember what the song was exactly. It might have been different, or it might have been a Terria song that had a name change.
Well, why not just go look it up, you ask? Because I destroyed everything. Dev was (understandably) nervous about having the demos floating around. Also take into account that we hadn't worked together before this, and this was a leap of faith for him. I assured him that no one would hear them but me, and destryoing them after i was done was one way i could think of to make good on that promise.
There's is a possibility I have the tape still. I remember keeping that one a bit longer to listen to until the cd came out. At that time I changed office rooms and packed a lot of stuff away. All my tapes got locked up in a safe to destroy later. So if that tape still exists, it is currently locked away with my old Psychotic Waltz demos. When i open it up, i'll look, and if it's there, i'll check it out before it gets totalled and see for sure. However, I'm sure Dev knows he can trust me at this point so it also might make a nice private memento.
Sorry i don't have a better answer on that at the moment.