#109822 by Chris
Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:45 am
Except for his comments on the HDR forums and an interview for Inside Out, there don't seem to be many interviews/ articles featuring the Dev for the Synchestra release.

It's a shame, really - this album deserves getting much more attention than it most likely does (but hey, this could be said about all of Devin's albums). Well, the question is: Did Devin have to turn down some interviews and other promotional stuff since he's too busy writing new songs for Strapping? There are some magazines over here in Germany that normally do an interview with Devin when he releases a new album, but not this time.

Thanks in advance for your answer,


#109839 by EphelDuath666
Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:23 am
I think there will be one in the next edition of the German Rock Hard mag. And I'm pretty sure there will be one in our Metal Hammer too. Synchestra got HUGE ratings in them after all.

#109856 by Lolliklauer
Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:07 am
The back of the Metal Hammer/Germany were an InsideOut-advertising with Synchestra filling half the page. I think such a "prominent" advertising is quite expensive. On another magazine was the same ad, but half as big (Synchestra a quarter of the back).

#109866 by Chris
Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:55 am
Lolliklauer wrote:The back of the Metal Hammer/Germany were an InsideOut-advertising with Synchestra filling half the page. I think such a "prominent" advertising is quite expensive. On another magazine was the same ad, but half as big (Synchestra a quarter of the back).

I didn't say that Synchestra doesn't get any promotion - and Dev wouldn't be the first artist who's highly satisfied with Inside Out's work over here in Germany - but I am focusing on promotion involving the Dev himself, and I'm asking myself (and mainly Tracy, ha!) if the plans for the next Strapping album might affect it.

Btw, Lolli, I know the ad you're talking about - I don't remember the words that were used describing Synchestra, but they were very promising. I was glad to see that it was nothing but the truth :wink:

#109893 by junkmonkey
Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:16 pm
i heard Sunshine and Happiness on a local radio station last night which i thought was really cool!of course it was at 11:30 at night and played on the metal station which is only on Saturday nights from 10-12 but i still thought it was awesome!They never play anything from Dev or Strapping on our radio stations so i thought that was pretty fuckin cool

#109897 by IronMaiden736
Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:56 pm
I can't find the cd in any stores....I couldn't find any here in the Bay Area in California and when I was in Washington DC this week. Kinda weird that a new release is no where to be found.....

Its ok though I already have mine from preorders, I'm just saying, a bunch of people I know want to buy it but can't find it...

#109986 by The Traveller
Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:52 pm
FYE has them and Tower Records. I work at FYE so I was the first from around my town to get it. Good luck man.
#110019 by Tracy
Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:45 pm
Chris wrote:Except for his comments on the HDR forums and an interview for Inside Out, there don't seem to be many interviews/ articles featuring the Dev for the Synchestra release.

It's a shame, really - this album deserves getting much more attention than it most likely does (but hey, this could be said about all of Devin's albums). Well, the question is: Did Devin have to turn down some interviews and other promotional stuff since he's too busy writing new songs for Strapping? There are some magazines over here in Germany that normally do an interview with Devin when he releases a new album, but not this time.

Thanks in advance for your answer,


Devin did 2 hours of interviews every day for Synchestra for 7 weeks straight, only getting a break this week. Because they haven't appeared yet doesn't mean they haven't been done. I received a list from Inside Out the other day that was 3 pages long of places where the album has been reviewed or interviews printed already. There is lots of promo coming.

#110020 by IronMaiden736
Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:46 pm
The Traveller wrote:FYE has them and Tower Records. I work at FYE so I was the first from around my town to get it. Good luck man.

Weird I saw none at FYE in Washington DC
#110045 by Chris
Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:47 am
Tracy wrote:Devin did 2 hours of interviews every day for Synchestra for 7 weeks straight, only getting a break this week. Because they haven't appeared yet doesn't mean they haven't been done. I received a list from Inside Out the other day that was 3 pages long of places where the album has been reviewed or interviews printed already. There is lots of promo coming.

Aaah, ok. Then we could say that this thread was mostly a result of my impatience :P

When Alien hit the stores, interviews with Devin started showing up at the time of - and even before - its release, which isn't a very unusual thing and also the reason why I started to worry a bit. But now my worries about the lack of promotion for Synchestra are replaced by the excitement of reading some cool interviews during the next weeks, so that's cool. Thanks again.

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