I'm asking this not just from the point of view of thinking it would be really cool, but also from the perspective of a business opportunity. I was jsut wondering if HDR or Insideout had considered super deluxe collectors editions of any of Devin's work. Of course, ther are the limited edition Terria, AE and Synchestra's, but I could see a larger box formet, perhaps with some notes explaining lyrics, extended artwork and a really nice box format etc selling quite well. There aren't many bands who i think this sort of thing can work for, btu I could see it selling quite well amongst Devin's fans. Of course, I guess we've already been given a load of extras in terms of demos/live material for anything like that to be added as a selling point, but I just wodnered if it was an opprtunity which had been considered in terms of fesability etc
Technical Music Revolution
Technical Music Revolution