#103766 by Eyesore
Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:46 pm
I'm just curious to know if there will ever be another Ass-Sordid, or similar, release? I know it's been said that Devin doesn't often have leftover material, and I'm not sure how much unreleased stuff he has that he feels good enough about to release, but I have to ask! =)

I know there's this secret song they recorded recently, and then there's "Idom." Any chance of those two showing up on an album like this? "Idom" is a killer tune and it's unfortunate that most fans haven't heard it. Great tune, I'd love to see it on an HDR release or something.

#103783 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:06 pm
I htink this has been asked before and if i remember it right, Tracy said that all other stuff was destroyed by the flood which makes it very unlikely.

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