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Dev and Pot
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:27 am
by 666between_his_horns
Hi, Tracy.
Dev wrote in a recent post that he was a month or so off pot. How's he doing? I quit a full-on 15-year pot habit in 2002 and I'm still straight 3 years on. It's farking difficult still today!!
I know what he's going through so I wanted to know how he was and to wish him all the best. Life is so much better nowadays for me...wouldn't go back for anything! Hope Dev is doing alright. It's a prick of a thing to give up...
Sydney, Australia
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:37 am
by LordPaul
I stopped smoking it in January too, after smoking it for over 10 years.
I didn't find it that hard this time, I just felt it wasn't doing me any favours.
I quit tobacco & alcohol at around the same time & am still on the wagon.
It's definitely a step forward, and it's well cool being clearheaded (well, less unclearheaded, but more able to cope)
It's definitely a personal decision though, I can't & won't judge or dictate what anyone else should or shouldn't do but I wish anyone who wishes to try to cut down or stop the best of luck!
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:43 am
by Mordecai
Are you sure you stopped smoking, man?
You seem to be listening to Accelerated Evolution AND Alien at the same I can't imagine that would be particularly pleasant.
I personally love weed.. and I like to think it has had quite a powerful impact on dev's music, so I sort of hope he hasn't stopped smoking for that reason. But I guess everyone reaches a point in their life where it's just not right for them anymore.. I dunno.
I sure would've loved to have smoked a blunt or 5 with the dev man last time he was down here. Oh well, I'll come more adequately prepared next time.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:43 am
by 666between_his_horns
Yeah, I quit alcohol and pot at the same time. I won't dictate to others either (because I hated being dictated to when I was still using and drinking). There's a cool 12-step program for potheads that started in the 'States years ago and is in Oz too. Helps loads chatting to other people in recovery I find. Makes it easier.
I love bragging that I haven't had a hangover for 3 years 3 months! And my lungs feel better, not to mention my head no longer fucks with me like it used to!
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:49 am
by LordPaul
666between_his_horns wrote:There's a cool 12-step program
That's not the one where you have to believe in a higher power in order to achieve it is it?
South Park did a great critique of that recently, if it's the same thing.
I just decided I wanted to join the police, and figured it was probably best to at least start sober
Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:34 am
by Biert
I never started smoking pot, so I don't have to quit, how's that? If you don't know what it's like, you won't miss it when you can't have it.
I'm not judging people who do/did smoke it tho.
I do drink tho. But it's just once a week (or twice, on special occasions) so it's not too bad I think. It really helps me to unwind after a week of stressssss.
BUt hey, Dev, all the best quitting/staying away from it!
Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:49 pm
by DevonH
Biert wrote:I never started smoking pot, so I don't have to quit, how's that? If you don't know what it's like, you won't miss it when you can't have it.
Trust wasn't worth spending money on. It's OK if a friend has some and you want to take the edge off and you're responsible, but definately not worth spending actual money on.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:14 pm
by EternalMetal
DevonH wrote:Biert wrote:I never started smoking pot, so I don't have to quit, how's that? If you don't know what it's like, you won't miss it when you can't have it.
Trust wasn't worth spending money on. It's OK if a friend has some and you want to take the edge off and you're responsible, but definately not worth spending actual money on.
I disagree. I think it is quite worth it to buy a gram and smoke up. Its not worth making a daily habit of (it gets quite expensive), but it is worth doing occasionally. It is enjoyable, and is a great way of finding something fun to do, and to lighten the moment. Saying you wont miss it because you never had it is like saying you wont miss (pic favorite hobby) becuase you never did it. This is a horrible way to live life. Living to the norms of society may secure your safe future, but it doesnt mean it is fun or entertaining.
And most people will tell you weed isnt worth it, simply because its not deemed a positive thing to deem a drug as worth doing, at all. but I bet people say their morning coffee is worth it, or their weekend binge at ther bar is too. It all depends on the way you look at it.
That said, good for Devin. If he wants to quit, im happy for him. It may be an era of slightly different musical style, but its still Dev, and its not like drugs have anything to do with the quality of the music.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:48 pm
by Yanko
well, in my city, when you buy pot, you're helping a drug dealer raise funds for weapons that kill innocent people.
So yeah, yay for pot indeed.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:57 pm
by Eyesore
I've never tried a single drug ever. Weird.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:23 pm
by Spinalcold
Eyesore wrote:I've never tried a single drug ever. Weird.
Sure you have, Tylanol, Asprin, Coke, Coffee, it's all drugs. lol, but I know what you intended.
But I have to agree with EternalMetal, saying your glad you never did something just because isn't all that great. On the other hand, the only drugs I take are caffeine and alchohol. I'm not saying I will never, but I currently don't have any desire to, plus I can't stand the thought of smoking, so that keeps me off pot because that's all people do with it. Maybe someday I'll try something, but I kinda doubt it just because I don't have a desire to alter my mind more than it is
alchohol is enough of a relaxant and a great social's all about balancing the extremeties
Many of the worlds greatest albums came with the aid of drugs.
Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:02 pm
by sj_2150
Is this online rehab?
Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:41 pm
by LordPaul
Like the great Bill Hicks - I've tried many drugs & I had a great time on them, I wouldn't have continued doing them otherwise.
choosing not to do drugs is a good thing, but to say that theyare bad simply because they are illegal is a bit blinkered.
In this country, up till this year magic mushrooms were kind of legal. I had several times on them & used them as a means to explore inner & outer space & I had some of the most enlightning & some of the darkest moments of my life whilst on them.
Sure, I had bad times on them, mainly when I was taking them to escape myself when life was being particularly shit - but life was particularly shit & nothing would have helped.
"I never stole, I never killed anyone, I laughed my fucking ass off"
(& I still managed to get a job working for the world's biggest computer games company, and get into the police force)
Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:07 am
by fragility
I've never done any illegal drugs, or smoked, and no longer drink alcohol. Having never experienced the others, I can't comment, but I know I ultimately have a much better time not drinking
Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:01 am
by LordPaul
fragility wrote: I ultimately have a much better time not drinking
I like the fact I can drive everywhere now & don't have to rely on public transport.
I like the fact I never wake up with a hangover
I like watching drunk people instead of being one.
I like singing more than I ever did drunk.