Getting Devins opinion
Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:55 am
by funny_little_guy
Ok I while I do know this is basicly a stupid question but I was wondering if Devin would be willing to give me some feedback on a cd I just mixed. I realise this is probally more than impossible with everything he already does, not to mention he has no need to care about some obscure local band from Adelaide, Australia, but I thought I may as well give it a shot and ask anyway. I'd be willing to post a copy over if he'd be willing to say a few things about how he thinks it is as a first effort at mixing. There no denying hes a hero of mine and I would love to even get a message back saying its terrible
. I'll post a track or two over in the musitions corner in a couple of days for the rest of the folks here. Thanks eaither way and I more than understand if it's not possible.
Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:46 pm
by Tracy
It's not a stupid question but I'm sorry that I have to say no. There are several reasons, the first one being time. We get this request at least twice a day. There is no way he can agree to do it and ever get anything else done. So, if you can't do them all, you have to refuse them all.
The second main reason is legal. Many years ago a wise person in the industry who had been through it told us not to comment on anything because it may come back later as a lawsuit. There are many crazy people who after you say you liked what they did, whether true or not, are just nuts enough to then sue you for stealing their work. (It is rumoured that part of the cause of Dimebag's death was the shooter thought they were stealing his lyrics). They may believe you stole it, or they may just be out for cash. If someone has proof - expecially in writing - that you heard their material, it makes it that much harder to deny. Unfortunately a few assholes spoil it for everyone.
Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:45 pm
by Noodles
That's lame, if Devin copied something I wrote I would be honored
Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:25 pm
by Hellhammer
As would I, but I think that answer is truly reasonable.
Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:12 pm
by funny_little_guy
Haha thabks for the answer I completly understand. The thought that Devin would acually steal my work could only be a complement though.
Unfortunately a few assholes spoil it for everyone.
This seems to be becoming the story of my life. Thanks anyway I'll juswt lie to myself and pretend he listened to it when I post it in the Musicians corner. Haha thanks again, Scott.