
#103950 by Tracy
Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:52 pm
Atari wrote:
Yanko wrote:
i thought devin stopped doing weed to record synchestra.... :roll:

He did.

No, he stopped after it was finished, while on the last tour. Synchestra is definitely a bong-fueled entity.

#103954 by Mordecai
Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:59 pm
Tracy wrote:No, he stopped after it was finished, while on the last tour. Synchestra is definitely a bong-fueled entity.


Now I'm looking forward to hearing it even more.

#104093 by Yanko
Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:03 pm
why took you so long? :lol:

#104576 by odiz
Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:45 pm
Yanko wrote:why took you so long? :lol:

Haha nice one!
The extra DVD alone is probably worth the wait! Cant wait to get my hands on that one.
I love the fact that SYL are most enjoyable under heavy alcholocaust influence, while the solo-material sounds greater in a flurry of smoke :twisted:
Except for Physicist, where you need way stronger substances to get the hang of it :wink:

#104781 by a_random_person
Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:28 pm
A bong-fueled entity?! Shit......guess I'll have to wait until the summer. Damn laws and damn job requirements. So ANTI-HUMAN, it makes me vomit with rage. Sigh, a bong-fueled entity......maybe I can figure out a way to get stoned without getting stoned.....

#104785 by Vaark
Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:51 pm
I have been reading over this for sometime now, and as a heavy pot/oil smoker/grower/brewer I relate to alot of what some have said.

As a musician, Smoking pot is excellent, I have come up with some of my weirdest most well written stuff boned off my face, Pot stimulates my creativity, and i take advantage of it.

However, I find after a month or so of smoking countless joints and oil spot DAILY, my speed REALLY decreases, and my brain goes "oh nooooooooo!".

The way i have solved this is have spells. Smoke while i have no shows, But if a show/demo is coming up, have two weeks off, i find this fully rejuvinates me, and i feel great, once its over, i smoke up a storm.

I admit it is hard everytime i do this, but it is hell worth it, there's nothing wrong with smoking pot, as long as you share kids :D

#104803 by a_random_person
Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:17 pm
I don't know, I guess I'm crazy, help me...... :sad:

#104939 by Vaark
Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:12 pm
Can't fix what you just said! :P

#105630 by a_random_person
Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:51 pm
The court agrees! Damn them all to hell! Never seen people so mortified by a plant....

#106163 by Reaper-Man-666
Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:52 am
I smoke pot very rarely. It's very much once or twice a year, and it's generally 6 people + 1 joint. I'm not a pot head, and I don't intend to go crazy on it either. As for Alcohol, I drink every now and again, but not to excess. I know my limits, and besides it's funny to see people drunk and they can't stand! :D

#106226 by Greg Reason
Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:43 am
Fuck I love weed.

I like to think of myself as an intelligent individual who is capable of doing all manner of things including being a professional musician, making good art and keeping my life together nicely. I have done lots of cool things with my life already and plan to do lots more but I tell you this:

pot gives me an incredible amount of enjoyment.

Damn right. I don't get into hard drugs, I don't go overboard and don't even do acid too much these days but weed just makes me appreciate life, you know? It's lovely to be able to sit back in the dark, put on some soothing music and just breathe out any concerns that are on your mind. I can't put a price on that.

#106258 by Vaark
Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:49 pm
Greg Reason wrote:Fuck I love weed.

I like to think of myself as an intelligent individual who is capable of doing all manner of things including being a professional musician, making good art and keeping my life together nicely. I have done lots of cool things with my life already and plan to do lots more but I tell you this:

pot gives me an incredible amount of enjoyment.

Damn right. I don't get into hard drugs, I don't go overboard and don't even do acid too much these days but weed just makes me appreciate life, you know? It's lovely to be able to sit back in the dark, put on some soothing music and just breathe out any concerns that are on your mind. I can't put a price on that.

Amen brother, i am/agree to all of the above, this man knows what he's on about.

#106288 by hog
Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:25 pm
ianlogan123 wrote:Just found this thread. I used to smoke pot when I was younger. I stopped when I came to university because none of the people I was hanging out with smoked. I've smoked about 10 times in the last 8 years, and only really enjoyed it on about three occasions. Every other time has made me paranoid and I become a bit of a dick when I'm paranoid. Or maybe I'm not, but I just think I am because I'm paranoid. Anyway...

I used to drink quite a lot of alcohol when I was a student, but I'm older now and I can't handle the hangovers.

WRT whether cannabis is safe or not, I'd fall on the not safe side of the argement. Of course all things are relative and alcohol is responsible for more problems than pot, but I think its wrong to suggest that pot is harmless. Probably most people who have smoked pot have experienced some form of psychosis (paranoia being a common example). It has been shown to be associated with an increased incidence of mental health problems and can cause long-term problems such as bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia. There is probably also increased usage among people with pre-existing illnesses. Smoking pot can cause long-lasting psychosis from a single episode as well. It is as bad if not worse than smoking tobacco, as a result of how it is smoked. It can also cause laryngospasm and has been associated with acute airway obstruction.

One other thing to bear in mind is that the big studies looking at pot-smokers were done in the 1970s, and today's pot has more active THC present than then so there is probably a stronger association now than then.


Its a double edged sword for me. Ian, I dont doubt your knowledge regarding the mental complexities of pot, this is why I dont touch the stuff. Having had previous problems with depression, I was scared to try pot! a couple of years ago I did visit amsterdam and tried some pot in a cafe. How did I feel? Man I was as white as a ghost. THis lasted about 40-50 minutes, then I was back to normal. No buzz, nothing, I just felt sick. Some of my friends smoke and it makes them happy which is fine by me, each to there own.

Regarding Devin, he doesnt want to smoke anymore, that is cool.

Perhaps not a fair question and please dont answer it if you dont want to, but what is your thoughts on pot Tracy?

#106303 by Tracy
Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:11 pm
hog wrote:Perhaps not a fair question and please dont answer it if you dont want to, but what is your thoughts on pot Tracy?

I think it's fine, though people shouldn't abuse it. I think it's royally stupid that cigarettes and alcohol are readily available and alcohol is socially encouraged when pot is supposed to be so wrong. It's not my thing but I have nothing against those who do.

You don't hear of too many stoners getting high and killing their families or stripping at the office party. I think alcohol is far more destructive.

Funny, as I type this Dash Rip Rock's "Let's go smoke some pot" just came on the radio.

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