
#98819 by mo
Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:07 am
Falk wrote:Wooh, thanksfully my Inquisitor doesn't look that much like Dev' in the end, cuz' he's not the nicest person around (the inquisitor I mean, not Dev' ^^). (I'm doing an inquisitor to add in a game, so of course I chose to give him the mighty skullet^^ But the polycount limit prevents to much fantasy or realism, so he looks way "sharper" than Devin', even though I had Devin pic as reference).

The caricature is pretty good though, except for the hair color of course, he really captured Devin's look when he's donig weird grin :þ

Which game? I'm currently learning how to make games with Neverwinter Nights. I'm going to make a quest featuring all my friends and we have to find the sacred bongs then banish the evil Vampire Hobag (who may or may not be modelled off my ex girlfriend)

#98839 by Biert
Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:16 am
Falk wrote:Wooh, thanksfully my Inquisitor doesn't look that much like Dev' in the end, cuz' he's not the nicest person around (the inquisitor I mean, not Dev' ^^). (I'm doing an inquisitor to add in a game, so of course I chose to give him the mighty skullet^^ But the polycount limit prevents to much fantasy or realism, so he looks way "sharper" than Devin', even though I had Devin pic as reference).

The caricature is pretty good though, except for the hair color of course, he really captured Devin's look when he's donig weird grin :þ

YOU can be sued now.

#98841 by Falk
Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:54 am
Really ? Is the skullet under copyright ? :P

Going slightly off-topic there^^
Mo>>> I'm modding for Dawn Of War, based on Warhammer 40K.
We're adding the whole Whitchhunter race to the game. So there's about 10 human units (and variants), 4 tanks, 6 buildings... argh...
I do the tanks (4 until now), so the animation step is not that hard, but it's a long work nonetheless. At least I've build a nice amount of experience.
BTW, if a lady around here has a nice voice that could fit to a fanatic woman warrior of the 41st century (and some recording equipment), we're in dire need of female voices. But maybe I should ask for this in another topic rather than going more than slightly off topic here^^

Mmh I've never played Neverwinter Nights. I don't know at which step you are on your quest for a quest :wink: but it's a lot of work (first the creation step, then all the set up). It also depends on the support from the developpers. So far there have already been 4 patches for DoW, and each patch requires some tweaking to what has already been done, not to bitch about the developpers who have to make a living prioritary to support the modding community, that's really boring.
Nice idea aboot your ex girlfriend :wink:

#98873 by Yanko
Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:45 am
well, it's kinda hard to call THAT a coincidence. I mean, that IS devin, i can't think of anyone else!

(well, i also think those ARE trujillo and thordendal :lol: :P)

but hey, if Dev was getting money out of this, it would kickass. They should make him star his own cartoon :D

#98914 by Tracy
Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:21 pm
Just to update, SYL management is talking with the creator of the series and I will let you know what happens once a resolution is reached.

#98917 by Atari
Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:42 pm

#98925 by gozu
Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:21 pm
ooooooh this is getting really interesting! i wonder what will happen :?

#98930 by mo
Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:44 pm
They'll just deny it now since management is contacting them.

Lucky I emailed them!!

#98933 by rezlamech
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:19 pm
You have to wonder what the artist was thinking?

"You want me to draw a fictional band? Sure I will just take a pic of Devin Townsend copy the same facial features, pattern balding, skull locks, evil grin. goatee, the same build, the same sleveless t shirt (dev's SYL on stage uniform!), put him in a "fictional" metal band and just change the hair color."

"No one will realise, his hair is a different color!!? And then i will flip through another metal magazine and pick 4 other blokes and copy them to, I mean who listens to metal anyway, who will realise anyway, some 14 year old headbangers?"

Nice one Brendon Small! ya dickhead!

#98935 by mo
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:28 pm
It could be an homage tho.

#98939 by Spinalcold
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:52 pm
I think you guys are overblowing this a bit. Isn't an artist allowed to artistically spoof someone? Whether it's ment to pay tribute to the artist or to cut them down it's within our rights. How many times have you laughed at flash cartoons of political leaders? We have all laughed at SNL/MAD/etc. impersinations. A lot of cartoons have brought in impersinations of celebs and all we do is laugh.

On the other hand, I understand Tracy's concern on the violence. It's ok to laugh, but if a person is shown in a blatently bad light I would be concerned over a loved one as well. I would also be concerned on whether this is going to be an aired cartoon he's going to be making money off of on TV or putting something online for the pleasure of all.

Me, I'm just curious on the intent and what the delivery would be. Hopefully any issues can be resolved between both parties without much fuss and without anyone feeling like they're getting screwed. Plus, I would really love to see a cartoon with death metal in it! \m/ who here can claim they would hate a cartoon that had a heavy metal soundtrack and paid homage to one of their favorite musicians?

#98977 by DevonH
Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:36 pm
Spinalcold wrote:I think you guys are overblowing this a bit. Isn't an artist allowed to artistically spoof someone? Whether it's ment to pay tribute to the artist or to cut them down it's within our rights. How many times have you laughed at flash cartoons of political leaders? We have all laughed at SNL/MAD/etc. impersinations. A lot of cartoons have brought in impersinations of celebs and all we do is laugh.

I know what you mean, but it would be different if it was advertised as an impersonation...but this guy is trying to pass this off as original, one off design, when clearly it's not....I dunno...just my view.

If the guy took James Hetfield's caricature, it would work because while it does look like Hetfield, it's vague enough that, unless the artist added some distiguishing tattoos to the caricature art, we couldn't say it was exactly the same person.

With Dev...his look is so unique, and no one out there looks like him, so when a caricature is done of IS Dev. Not to mention how accurate his caricature is of Dev....this is my opinion.

Then the question of "where do you draw the line" comes into play.. I don't know all the legalities of it, or what's involved. I hope both parties can work something out because I want to see a cartoon about modern heavy metal.
I just thought Tracy and Dev should know that this is out there.

#99013 by Yanko
Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:24 am
DevonH wrote: If the guy took James Hetfield's caricature, it would work because while it does look like Hetfield, it's vague enough that, unless the artist added some distiguishing tattoos to the caricature art, we couldn't say it was exactly the same person.

With Dev...his look is so unique, and no one out there looks like him, so when a caricature is done of IS Dev. Not to mention how accurate his caricature is of Dev....this is my opinion.


proving the point that i agree with you

#99019 by VampireDaveGrohl
Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:38 am
What was that show with Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, so other guys and i think, Biggie Smalls? That was quite funny, but quite close to the bone too. But then, I think all the people were dead, so it got away with caricature as opposed to passing off as different characters.

#99192 by gozu
Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:54 am
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:What was that show with Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, so other guys and i think, Biggie Smalls? That was quite funny, but quite close to the bone too. But then, I think all the people were dead, so it got away with caricature as opposed to passing off as different characters.

House of rock! that was brilliant! elvis was in it i think....

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