
#156514 by The Electric Toad
Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:21 pm
Yeah, because I asked if there was any updates and Devin responded by saying he was going to wait another two years to release his current project. Maybe thats not the case after all!!!!!

#156515 by Josiah Tobin
Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:48 pm
The Electric Toad wrote:Yeah, because I asked if there was any updates and Devin responded by saying he was going to wait another two years to release his current project. Maybe thats not the case after all!!!!!

Recent posts are missing all over the forum. Looks like something happened and the forums needed to be restored from a recent backup?

#156517 by Luna_ad_Noctum
Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:20 pm
I had posted Dev's message on another board, so I have it. Here is what it said:

I've decided to take my time with the new record...maybe 2 years or so...

I really want every song to be a gem (maybe with 2 disks worth of bonus material?)

I will be producing and mixing for the time being, I play guitar and write between 1 and 3 hours a day, (mainly at night) but I'm just going to let it evolve and not rush it.

I have ideas all over the place, theatrical, mellow, ambient, insane, beautiful, placid, quiet, loud etc...

Maybe they'll all find a place in one project, or the strongest will rise to the top and I'll get a solid 10 songs of one.

I will definitely keep yall posted, things could change tommorow, who knows? I just want the next record to be defining...I 'cleared out the pipes' so to speak, with Ziltoid, and the next one has to be amazing (for me at least)


#156563 by Biert
Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:34 am
I couldn't get to the forums yesterday evening (GMT+1 timezone that is) so maybe some data was lost there.

#156784 by Eyesore
Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:24 pm
I'd be surprised if Devin releases nothing in 2 years, though he does deserve a little family time.

How about an Ass-Sordid III? :D

#156924 by chrisslight
Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:10 pm
Two years huh? Well, anything by Devin is worth any wait, I have found :).

#156927 by All Hail99
Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:43 pm
Indeed it is :)

I very much look forward to the next serving of musical genius :D

#157011 by hobojobozo
Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:20 pm
Wowzers, well if I consider stuff he could write, record, and distibute in a few months absolute genious, I don't know what to expect from a 1 1/2 to 2 year production. I cannot wait!

#157979 by The Electric Toad
Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:14 pm
hobojobozo wrote:Wowzers, well if I consider stuff he could write, record, and distibute in a few months absolute genious, I don't know what to expect from a 1 1/2 to 2 year production. I cannot wait!

If you cannot wait for that long, then its going to be a letdown.

#158016 by Hares
Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:22 am
2 years or so? Pheew maaan....that will be TRULY a gem (for you,all of your records are gem for me).Don't rush,but here,we will be hungry for another record. :twisted:

#158369 by hobojobozo
Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:30 am
The Electric Toad wrote:
hobojobozo wrote:Wowzers, well if I consider stuff he could write, record, and distibute in a few months absolute genious, I don't know what to expect from a 1 1/2 to 2 year production. I cannot wait!

If you cannot wait for that long, then its going to be a letdown.

I expect you understood I was saying I cannot wait! in the non-literal sense, and that I was using the expression that I cannot wait for the two years or however long is up before I get the chance to hear what Devin has prepared.

#158524 by gurp13
Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:17 pm
I'm excited about this. Just found the thread. I was listening to Ziltoid again this morning and thinking about how awesome it is and how he just kinda blew it out there so quickly. Didn't it seem like that? Compared to the couple of years between AE and Synchestra? But, anyway, yeah. And then, tonight, I thought I'd cruise the old forum, check and see if there's any news of a new project...

Man, I really should visit more often. New job has me busy as hell, though. Oh well.

What a fucking cool thing, though. New album from Dev!

I have to say, though, I'm going to sit back and wait to hear that more is recorded because I distinctly remember Synchestra being described as a 70 minute single song that was epic in scope. As well, The Might Masturbator was also originally going to be a gigantic single song. Then, it became the puppet show.

I just get the feeling that stuff takes time to coalesce in Dev's head a little but in the meantime the music spin and whirls like infinite wheels of infinite fire and modular curves and elliptical forms or something like that.

Please don't chill, though, dude. Let it rock!!!

Gonna go listen to Color Your World again.

(Oh, and I gotta say that, even though I'm not a fan of the album "The Human Equation," that part in "Pain" when Devin comes in sound so fucking awesome every time I hear it. I'd buy the album again, even though the rest of it is drawn out to me (waaaay too long), just to have that part. Brilliance. It's like the color coming on in The Wizard of Oz. Like hearing the music for real for the first time. That's what I think about every time I think of a new Devin Townsend album.)


#158540 by Liquid
Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:00 am
Heh, I have Ayreon (and mostly from The Human Equation) to thank for getting me into Devy, Opeth, Neal Morse, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery, and maybe another one. I don't listen to them all now, but Ayreon has been the ultimate gateway for me. And Devin is perfect on that album. I hated him at first, and then all of the sudden... I had to buy his albums. :)

#158559 by Yanko
Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:13 pm
have you ever checked the look of Pain in some sound editing program?


try to guess which parts are Devin :lol:

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