THANK YOU!!! ,i just recieved my HDR stuff today,it was my first ever purchase from you guys and it really made my day!i was just about to walk out to head for class when i looked on my front doorstep and there was a package so i dove 20 feet to the door to get it and there was my t-shirt,hoodie and cd!!and also a newsletter with a little "Thanks Erik" and your trademark smiley face,i know you get this alot but i just wanted to say thanks for takin the time to actually write "Thanks Erik" on it,i'm sure everyone gets one but you guys are the ONLY people i know who sign every order,and I and everyone else appreciates that sooo again.....thank you!!!!it really made my day! the shirts and almight punchdrunk cd kick ass!! ,as soon as i get paid i'm gonna order more!
Last edited by junkmonkey on Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.