#128474 by Deadhawk
Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:42 am
Okay, so if anyone can recognise the avatar, they probably get it that I'm a fan of Ayreon's The Human Equation, which Devin sang on.

Devin only sings on 3 tracks, Pain, School and Loser, and all three are completely awesome. How come Devin isn't featured on any more though? Was it a choice Devin made, Arjen Lucassen made or did it just 'happen' that way in the end?

Thanks in advance.

#128475 by Lolliklauer
Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:08 am
As far as i know Arjen asked Devin to sing the "Rage"-parts. I´m pretty sure that Arjen had his compositions quite ready to this time, so he knew which parts should contain "rage". Devin then wrote his own lyrics because he didn´t want to sing Arjen´s. But i don´t think that Arjen discussed the whole project with his many singers, some singers had some influence on how they sing and what the lyrics are, but Arjen was pretty sure the boss.

Arjen had many infos of the making-of-process on his page, don´t know if they are still there.

edit: Sorry, i didn´t realize that this question was in the "ask Tracy"-area, didn´t mean to anticipate.

#128477 by Yanko
Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:30 am
actually, by what i've heard on many interviews with Arjen, most of devy's parts are fully devy parts. Arjen told him what he wanted, and he did his way to do things. In Rage, for example (i think it's rage, i don't remember the exact name of the song, but i know it's the 3rd song in the album :P), all the parts that devin appeared were 100% done by him. That is, if my memory isn't failing me. Best decision Arjen made on that project was letting Devin do his parts, got some fresh air to the record's style :D

#128479 by gozu
Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:51 am
Arjen sent dev the music tracks the other vocal tracks and a synopsis of where he wanted him to sing and what he wanted to portray and Dev went and recorded everything himself, apparently up to 20 vocal tracks at a time, Dev was also the first artist Arjen let write ALL the lyrics himself.

i've got the Uber special edition and in the booklet there is a big interveiw with Arjen asking why he chose the dev....
"I said I didn't expect him to be such a big perfectionist to which he (dev) replied 'well, it has to be doesn't it'"

#128505 by Yanko
Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:11 am
yeah, they should rename this section to "Ask Tracy and get replied by the forum no-lifers" :D

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