#119264 by Mayday
Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:05 pm
Hey Tracy!

First of all, I'm pretty new to Devy's music but he has quickly risen to be my favourite musician. now I'm doing my best to get my hands on whatever he's released so far. Upon discovering this site and forum I was shocked (in a positive way :)) how much you two and the other guys care about your fans! Way to go, you have my deepest respect for that 8)

ok now my question:

I stumbled upon this site called "CD baby" ( ) which seems to be an independent virtual "warehouse" where musicians can send in their CDs and they will sell it directly to the customer, which basically means, that no other persons involved will make a profit out of it. (as opposed to normal record deals). Now I love that concept and I also discovered, that some of Dev's stuff can be bought there. Is it OK to buy from there? I mean, is it true that they got the CDs directly from you and pay you back directly when those CDs are bought? I live overseas and I'd be able to save a whole bunch of money by ordering through that site, but I don't wanna do that, if it's going to result in a lower income for you. I want to support Dev the best I can as a way to thank him for creating such beautiful music, which is, why I'm asking this (may be stupid :)) question.

I hope that made sense :D

#119271 by Tracy
Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:02 pm
We endorse CDBaby. They have been helping out bands for a long time and do a great job for the unsigned. They get their discs direct from us. They are the exact same product you would get ordering from me.

#119273 by Mayday
Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:07 pm
wow that was a quick reply, thank you very much :)
that site seems to be really awesome. You can even type a well known artist and it'll recommend you similar artists available there. and all those "flavour recommendations"...they really like their music :)

I'm going to order lots of stuff now :twisted: (btw I already ordered a copy of Terria a week ago via this page, hopefully it'll arrive soon (do I get a smiley? Image)

#119275 by Tracy
Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:18 pm
Mayday wrote:I'm going to order lots of stuff now :twisted: (btw I already ordered a copy of Terria a week ago via this page, hopefully it'll arrive soon (do I get a smiley? Image)

Not unless you order through HDR. CDBaby are in the USA and I'm not there to sign their stuff. You don't get newsletters from them either unfortunately.

#119277 by Mayday
Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:22 pm
Tracy wrote:
Mayday wrote:I'm going to order lots of stuff now :twisted: (btw I already ordered a copy of Terria a week ago via this page, hopefully it'll arrive soon (do I get a smiley? Image)

Not unless you order through HDR. CDBaby are in the USA and I'm not there to sign their stuff. You don't get newsletters from them either unfortunately.

I did order through HDR :). I just didn't realize that "this page" could be asociated with, because I was talking about it...I was actually talking about THIS page I'm typing stuff on ATM, which is the HDR page :oops: :lol:

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