#110703 by DeadPatient
Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:07 pm
I got a question about the CDs. Now Ive looked in the forums and merch section but who knows I might of overlooked something but here it goes:

Will HDR ever sell the following:


Alien: cd/dvd(Makin of Alien, clip from TATR DVD)

*Knowing the Century Media will re-release 1 or more SYL records with bonus stuff that its a toss up of whats out there


Infinity: w/ Sister [Live Acoustic] Hide Nowhere [Live Acoustic]
Man [1996 Demo]

Ive started a quest to re-collect alot of cds I once had that either I traded away, sold or for the bulk of them were destoryed but my wretched of a ex-wife.

Any direction to where website wise if not through HDR but where? Thanks

#110708 by Tracy
Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:53 pm
Unlikely on the SYL one (we would need to get our supply from Century Media and I believe they were limited edition) and no to the Infinity because the "bonus" tracks are already available on the Ass-Sordid Demos discs.

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