
#105095 by Pisshead
Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:41 pm
Record sales say YES. SYL are more of a priority/cash cow at this point in time.

#105097 by Biert
Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:52 pm
Pisshead wrote:Record sales say YES. SYL are more of a priority/cash cow at this point in time.

There's money to be made, so let's milk it!

#105103 by Tracy
Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:15 pm
A-Daamage wrote:
Tracy wrote:Come on guys, there wasn't going to be a tour at all. He's agreed to do 2 weeks and all we get is grief about the dates they're NOT doing as opposed to the ones they are?


I just don't understand why there wasn't going to be a full tour in the first place. Why did the SYL record have to be recorded so soon after the release of Synchestra? DTB fans barely get any chance to see the band live. As I said before, I've seen SYL twice now, but never DTB. Is SYL more of a priority than DTB now?

There are a dozen factors why it needed to be cut short, the majority I will not list on a public forum. Trust me, SYL needed to take priority on this one. It will become clear very soon why there needs to be a new SYL record before summer.

Also bear in mind that when SYL tours, Century Media funds it. HDR and Inside Out do not have the same financial capabilities to cover a tour that length with any semblance of comfort. Devin can't do good shows if he hasn't slept in 2 days.

#105105 by Atari
Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:22 pm
Well, the original question's been answered and a few more besides. If we're all done i'll lock this.

#105108 by Pisshead
Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:49 pm
Yeah go ahead, the answer is so obvious it hurts.

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