The early years discussion: IR8, Wildhearts, Steve Vai, Noisescapes, etc
#174513 by Deth Warmdover
Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:26 pm
Snorkle wrote:MASSIVE FAN!!!! I want Dev and Ginger to form the band that will ultimately save the universe!!!! I've been listening to The Wildhearts since 92, and Devin since City came out... Can't even describe how much i luv em! :D

Hey, Snorkle
Even just to have them collaberate on a one off record would be pure fury!! What a sound that would be!!!
I hope to get a chance to see them live one day but I doubt it. That new video is really hard core :chain:
Wildhearts have deffinitely become one of my favorites
#176753 by Snorkle
Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:41 pm
Deth Warmdover wrote:Still enjoying Ginger and Co.
I hoped for a few more fans to 'gush' with

Hey!!!! I'm gushing!!! In a healthy way... :D
#177805 by Deth Warmdover
Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:54 am
Bought" Stop Us If You've Heard This One Before" a while back and really enjoy it.
The reviews were great (esp. for a cover album) and the choices of covers amazing.(Fugazi,Soul Asylum,Georga Satellites)
Did I mention how absolutly fucking SICK their vid for Destroy All Monsters is?
Wildhearts Rule :guitar:
#183990 by allmyfriends
Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:31 pm
The Wildhearts are indeed awesome. I've got all of their records, all of Ginger's solo stuff and the Silerginger 5 record. Ginger is one of my big musical inspirations too. Can't wait for their next studio album (their writing and demoing stuff now, last I heard). Their self-titled from 2007 was great and Market Harbour was another brilliant addition to Ginger's solo catalouge.

I would love to see them live, but I always seem to be busy when their playing close to me. It sucks muchly.
#185839 by Dan G
Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:49 am
I've got most of the Wildhearts stuff, but in my opinion Don't Be Happy, Earth Vs, Fishing For Luckies and PHUQ are all you need. Wildhearts were incredible between 92 and 96, everything was gold. I hated Endless Nameless and the albums that came after it were a little too simple pop-rock. And Clam Abuse was just awful.
#185923 by allmyfriends
Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:29 pm
Ah, man. Endless, Nameless is such a great record, but I guess that is a love it/hate it record. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of middle ground there.

I liked one song off of Clam Abuse, but I can barely remember the rest of it :D
#185938 by BlackFabio, Inc.
Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:00 pm

Endless, Nameless is sick. I can't understand why people hate it but on the other hand, love SYL's HAARHT. Both noisy, chaotic and blilliant!

And the self-titled kicks serious asses!
#211525 by allmyfriends
Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:51 pm
Anyone pick up Chutzpah! yet? I think it's fantastic myself 'The Jackson Whites', 'John Of Violence', 'Low Energy Vortex' and the title track are early favourite thus far.
#217434 by ricoetc
Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:18 am
I haven't heard anything off the new album, but I shall be purchasing it very soon. I love the Wildhearts! I saw them when they came to NY to play Earth Vs. The Wildhearts show, fucking amazing!

I have been wanting to see Dev and Ginger do a show together, that would be a rockin show, and of course King's X would have to be there :guitar:
#225769 by ferocitas
Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:10 pm
I've had Endless Nameless and The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed for years and heard awesome stuff from Earth vs. Wildhearts and PHUQ. I can't believe I never really went full on with this band.
Anyway, I got Chutzpah! today and, what the fuck, they're still incredible! That's quite an achievement. The songwriting is so inventive even with such a narrow format and after all these years. That's true talent.

Where do I find this Kill Me To Death everyone's been talking about earlier?

I didn't go to their gig earlier this year, in Finland, because I didn't feel like it...I'm so stupid, really. Dunno how much chance there is too see them in the future. I don't recall them coming over here the past decade, that's why.
#225780 by grrrv
Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:04 pm
ferocitas wrote:I didn't go to their gig earlier this year, in Finland, because I didn't feel like it...I'm so stupid, really. Dunno how much chance there is too see them in the future. I don't recall them coming over here the past decade, that's why.

Lucky for you, they'll be back in Finland December 9-12 :)
#225859 by ferocitas
Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:23 pm
grrrv wrote:Lucky for you, they'll be back in Finland December 9-12 :)

hah, incredible! Thanks for letting me know :)

dumdidum! me two tickets now!
#225906 by joe gilmore
Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:19 pm
It has always been a strange story for me that linked Ginger and Devin. They've became my two favorite artists of all time independantly for I hadn't make a connection between these 2 before Infinity came out. The most strange thing is the only time I went on a Wildhearts gig with "guest" (big deal for me because I live in France and the show was in London), SYL hapenned to be the guest, and I had the chance to shake Gene Hoglan's hand.

And now with Chutzpah! and Addicted (with an homage to Vanilla Radio in Resolve!) ... I fell very blessed this fall.

pHuq is still my all time favorite records.
#226295 by ffian1
Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:00 pm
Been dead into the Wildhearts for a while now, and just decided to listen to TWMBD after listening to Addicted loads because of Resolve!

Anyway, got through Vanilla Radio and only just realised that 'One love, One Life, One Girl' could have easily been a Dev track - even the vocal performance is quite similar to a lot of Dev stuff. With a little bit of tweaking in the production, some feedbacking delays during the verses on the guitar and we'd be sorted.

I can't stop listening to it and wondering now
#226341 by ferocitas
Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:19 am
ffian1 wrote:Been dead into the Wildhearts for a while now, and just decided to listen to TWMBD after listening to Addicted loads because of Resolve!

Anyway, got through Vanilla Radio and only just realised that 'One love, One Life, One Girl' could have easily been a Dev track - even the vocal performance is quite similar to a lot of Dev stuff. With a little bit of tweaking in the production, some feedbacking delays during the verses on the guitar and we'd be sorted.

I can't stop listening to it and wondering now

I think you meant you got through "The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed". Anyway, from my limited listenings I've still always thought some parts of Dev and Wildhearts like siblings, so yeah I hear the similarities. Of course Vanilla Radio and Addicted's Resolve are kinda "admitted siblings".

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