Archived - Discussion about records and bands produced by Devin
#250804 by daneulephus
Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:52 am
mrbean667 wrote:
daneulephus wrote:On one of the occasions that I met Devin, I had to ask 676789698 questions about Infinity, namely the production. He said in total, after bouncing with adat, there were about 80 vocal tracks.

Even though adat is really hard to work with, I think it was key in getting that certain energy to his productions in the 90's. I don't know if he used them on Terria. I think the vox on that album are a bit TOO high end-y.

Does anyone else think the more digital productions lose something? I like digital for editing, but someday I want to get either adats, or an old analog tape machine.

For Dev style vox, I just compress them going in, crank the gain almost to red, and layer till it sounds right. That goes for the choir style anyway. Effecting them going in helps with the expression you use while singing. Panning is effective i.e.- double the harmonies or melodies and pan the doubled version hard right or left, opposite the main vox. Or, put a slight channel delay on them.....this gives them that 3-d effect. I have also bounced tons of tracks onto one and then effected that track.

There are tons of ways to go about it. The best thing to do is just expiriment. A BBE sonic maximizer will help IMMENSELY in getting that Terria style thickness and crispness to the vox. A good effect unit, good compression, and a maximizer is really all you need.

Could you give us everything Dev said? I'd be interested.

That's really all he ever told me. It's still a dream of mine to sit down with him over coffee (or tea) and talk production. I'm starting to think if I seriously keep plugging away and push my cd to the masses, it may be possible lol. Maybe someday I'll get a band to play this shit and tour with him.
#251204 by mrbean667
Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:37 pm
That's the spirit man! One day, our labours will be recognised.
By Dev, hopefully.
#286198 by Hexallon
Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:54 pm
daneulephus wrote:
For Dev style vox, I just compress them going in, crank the gain almost to red, and layer till it sounds right. That goes for the choir style anyway. Effecting them going in helps with the expression you use while singing. Panning is effective i.e.- double the harmonies or melodies and pan the doubled version hard right or left, opposite the main vox. Or, put a slight channel delay on them.....this gives them that 3-d effect. I have also bounced tons of tracks onto one and then effected that track.

I like the panning idea. Extra dimension. When you are talking about the vox recording are you talking about recording ADAT or Digital? I missed that. Wouldn't increasing the gain going in prove unsatifying results in mixing? I mean you can't really do much with it.

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