Archived - Discussion about records and bands produced by Devin

#151185 by JayjayAbnormal
Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:31 am
I'm sure if anyone locked themselves in the bathroom for over 24 hours theres certain authorities that you can call up to help pursuade that person out of the bathroom.

Besides, he was bi-polar. Not paranoid

#151207 by Guitarzan
Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:12 am
I had always just heard they were working on a very low budget?

I mean they were still on Prosthetic at that point I think.

#151215 by JayjayAbnormal
Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:13 am
Yeah, I heard Devin say in a interview (Which I think I read off HDR's Press section, or Media or what you want to call it) that he showed up and LoG had little budget.

#151223 by Tracy
Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:48 am
sylterria wrote:theres a looong story behind that. a few friends of mine played alot of shows with LoG and got the inside scoop fro mthe band themselves regarding the production of 'as the palaces burn"

the side i heard was that during the recording of 'atpb', devin was gearing up for syl's next release "alien". during this time to set the mood for the record, devin stopped taking his medication. this conflicted with the production schedule for 'atpb' but dev agreed to do it anyway.

story goes that dev freaked out during the first or second day and locked himself in the bathroom for almost 3 days. on the LoG home video, theres a small segment where they're trying to talk dev out of the studio bathroom.

subsequently, LoG decided to try to figure out how to produce the records themselves based on what little they learned from dev, and the results were shows on the record.

this is the story ive heard from LoG's point of view. its believable due to the timing between writing 'alien' and devs choice to stop taking his meds. awesome story nonetheless.

This is completely false. The project was done under VERY diifficult circumstances - no money, no engineer, Devin's computer was trashed in transit, band in-fighting... The band could not agree between themselves what they wanted. The producer can only do so much when everyone has different ideas. So, in that respect the story is true - they did end up doing it themselves because the members kept arguing over what someone had recorded and it would want it done again differently. Eventually, you have to defer to the band and just do what they want regardless of the results.

#151229 by BrunoN
Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:28 pm
Tracy wrote:(...) band in-fighting(...)

Fans of metalhead boxing should watch LOG's "Killadelphia" DVD, there's a footage of a fight between shitfaced Randall Blythe and one of the guitarsts. Match ends with 1:0 for guitarist, finished with two quick thwacks in Randys kisser (and he started the fight).

Yeah, I guess they're difficult people to work with.

#151357 by lethaldoseofhate
Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:53 am
Tracy wrote:
sylterria wrote:theres a looong story behind that. a few friends of mine played alot of shows with LoG and got the inside scoop fro mthe band themselves regarding the production of 'as the palaces burn"

the side i heard was that during the recording of 'atpb', devin was gearing up for syl's next release "alien". during this time to set the mood for the record, devin stopped taking his medication. this conflicted with the production schedule for 'atpb' but dev agreed to do it anyway.

story goes that dev freaked out during the first or second day and locked himself in the bathroom for almost 3 days. on the LoG home video, theres a small segment where they're trying to talk dev out of the studio bathroom.

subsequently, LoG decided to try to figure out how to produce the records themselves based on what little they learned from dev, and the results were shows on the record.

this is the story ive heard from LoG's point of view. its believable due to the timing between writing 'alien' and devs choice to stop taking his meds. awesome story nonetheless.

This is completely false. The project was done under VERY diifficult circumstances - no money, no engineer, Devin's computer was trashed in transit, band in-fighting... The band could not agree between themselves what they wanted. The producer can only do so much when everyone has different ideas. So, in that respect the story is true - they did end up doing it themselves because the members kept arguing over what someone had recorded and it would want it done again differently. Eventually, you have to defer to the band and just do what they want regardless of the results.

Hmmm, thanks, I wasn't aware that that was how the recording of ATPB went. From what I've seen they all do seem to want to go in different dirrections when writing. The end result seems to work for them, but it doesn't seem like a completely smooth ride to get there.

BrunoN wrote:
Tracy wrote:(...) band in-fighting(...)

Fans of metalhead boxing should watch LOG's "Killadelphia" DVD, there's a footage of a fight between shitfaced Randall Blythe and one of the guitarsts. Match ends with 1:0 for guitarist, finished with two quick thwacks in Randys kisser (and he started the fight).

Yeah, I guess they're difficult people to work with.

Yeah, that's a good DVD. Randy starts it with some obnoxious drunken behavior and Mark finishes it. He ends up slamming Randy to the ground and knocks him out when he hits his head on the ground after they exchange a few punches and wrestle around.

#155921 by jasonpskully
Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:22 am
hey EARWORM, excuse me for asking but what does
"sibbilance" mean ?

honestly I could look it up but ide rather converse about it

#163460 by earworm
Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:32 pm
Hi jasonpskully, I was surfing and found this old thread again. Heres the def.

"Phonetics. characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds like those spelled with s "

It's that high pitch sound when people say words with s alot. Sometimes people use a thing called a desser to get rid of it on recordings or even live. To my ears on certain recordings devin will put delay on just the sibilance of something he's singing like during the chorus. To me it sounds so cool it could be my imagination that Im hearing it but I don't think so.
#196392 by GULCH OF ROT
Fri May 01, 2009 2:17 pm
atpb is the best album log ever put out production is perfect for the songs on the album
#206259 by Antiyou
Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:30 am
I actually dug the LP out the other day and gave it a spin. I've never been a fan of the cd's production but the added analogue warmth smoothes a little of the mids. It's still not bassy enough and the guitars seem to lose punch at higher volumes, but the lp is far superior to the CD.
Fucking great album musically though. After this one, they've never been as adventerous. I'll always listen to ATPB and NAG, they're classics. The new stuff... meh...
#223552 by thetoolman
Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:15 am
well ive always like the CD and finding out it was by devin just (in what may be a superficial way) improved the way i looked at it and made me enjoy it even more :P

I wish he had been in charge of the production of Wrath while i do like that album there are things about it that could have very easily been improved with a little of the devman's magic :guitar:
#318996 by MikzorTheFirst
Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:51 am
Cool watch! Clears the confusion about how it all went down.

I liked the album before, the songs are classic LoG, but there's no denying this remixed version packs a whole new punch. Would love to hear Dev producing a new one (however unlikely), now that they're doing a more layered sound anyway.

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