All that I've known is gone, time to be moving on...

#121628 by Mayday
Mon May 15, 2006 11:52 am
BaldMosher446 wrote:The Death Of Music is without question, my favorite Devin Townsend song of all-time. Period.

what he said.

Ocean Machine was my first Dev record and at first I didn't get much into it, partly because I was just stuck at sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it. I used to lie down, close my eyes and it sends me to a far away place. I picture a huge cliff amidst of nothing but the ocean. then I see either Dev, or myself...or one could say, both in one person (myself and I, there were no others :P ) staying on top of that cliff, watching the ocean wipe away everything and everyone off earth's surface. the most intense part for me is after the first time Dev sings the "it's like a death becomes musical" -part, right before the "don't die on me" build up, where he's screaming in the's just so powerfull and it creates the most vivid images in my head a song was ever able to intense.

</fanboy gibberish>

yes, it's a very good song :D

#121631 by [brett]
Mon May 15, 2006 12:12 pm
I would have to say this is my fav dev song of all time. I have to be in the right place to hear this track though. I can't sit here typing and listen to it. The best place I've found is in my back garden at night, lying on my back on my trampoline. Looking upwards at the clouds and moon. Even done this in the rain!. Definately a night time song, but whenever I listen to it, I have to be alone.

The feelings this song generates is beyond anything. Beyond the feelings of any piece of art. Beyond the feelings of any movie. Beyond everything. I can't even type how this song makes me feel as it's not really typical feelings like 'happy', or 'sad', although I've almost cried from it a couple of times, that wasn't sadness. That was down to the lyrics and the way they were sung, and the samples. The talking just gives a lot more added depth which I think without it, the song would still kick ass but might feel a little too hollow.


Thanks dev! 8)

#121915 by Falk
Thu May 18, 2006 8:56 am
Can't remember if it was explained somewhere, but I've been lurking on this forum pretty much since the creation and don't remember seeing it, so :
At the end comments, Devin says "It's rush hour, you cross the street, and this ?little? stupid tune coming out of it playing a digitalized version of When a body meet a body coming through the rye" (or something like that)

"When a body meet a body coming through the rye" seems to be a scottish song inspired from a poem called "Catcher in the rye" by Robert Burns.
There may be several versions by various artists, lastFM has a lot of results (amongst those is "Orange Juice" (with Edwyn Collins), they have a live in Japan in their discography... (the question is more... who HASN'T a live in Japan ? :p)

And here's the explanation (from J-list blog) :
"I remember back to my first few weeks in Japan. It was a thrilling, exciting time, and I was captivated by everything I encountered, from vending machines selling UCC canned coffee to hearing the "when a body meets a body coming through the rye" music that plays at intersections as a signal to the blind that they can cross the street safely."

#121970 by psychotic
Thu May 18, 2006 9:43 pm
I used to really like this song, then I kinda stopped listening to it for a while, no real reason, just wasn't ever in the mood or something, and maybe 6 months ago or so I listened to it again with a real intent, and I don't see why I ever stopped. This song is easily one of the best songs that Devin has ever been a part of. The emotion and ambience as well as just a good melody all combine for pure aural bliss.

#121985 by fullgore
Fri May 19, 2006 1:17 am

Alright, I've been on a GIANT Mike Patton binge lately. Before that, Tori Amos. And still before THAT, Meshuggah. So basically I haven't really listened to good ol' Dev in a while, pretty much. So anyway, while I was fixated on everything Mike Patton, I started to think that he was some sort of god and that no one could ever come close to his genius. Yeah, smart I am!

Fast forward to tonight... I'm outside, it's like 12:30AM, and I'm coming home from a lengthy walk. Of course, like any normal person I brought my mp3 player with me. Anyway, The Death of Music comes on and... wow it was just so overwhelming! I slowed my pace considerably (I'm talking the pace of like... a snail), doing nothing but listening to the music. I just had to take it all in! It was as if I was listening to the song for the first time all over again. I can't describe what I felt, but it was just amazing. It made me realize that no matter how good anyone else is, no one can communicate emotion the way Dev does.

What a brilliant song. When it goes into the part where he repeats "Don't die on me. Don't go away when I need you here in my need." it's just the most heart-wrenching thing ever. Hell, I don't even know what the song means and that part makes me want to cry! Honestly, I hope I never find out what the song means. It's perfect the way it is.

#122057 by BlueRaja
Fri May 19, 2006 10:31 am
I love the posts in this thread. Had to say that. 8)

It just goes to show how incredible and moving a piece of music can be to a person...overwhelming. Almost as if it has a life of its own. And you can't explain why; it just is.

#122731 by Centurion
Sun May 28, 2006 11:43 am
This is my fav Dev song I think. I came by the forum now to look for some info about that coversation at the end. I never get all the words. But it sounds like Dev is out walking at night and comes across this guy shooting golfballs at the sea? And he starts talking to him?

I see that some of you guys dont seem to like the end of the track. I think that "conversation part" is genious. After all, this is a powerfull and melancholic song....and that ending kind of brings you back to reality in a good way I think.. :)

(excuses for the bad english..I`m from Norway..hehe)

#126449 by ConfusedGenius87
Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:29 am
Listening to it now. Very moody and emotional. Thumbs up.

#126523 by Death'o'Musak
Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:46 am
Turned up nice and loud so you can hear Everything!! :P

#126528 by ConfusedGenius87
Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:42 am

#126644 by sj_2150
Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:00 am

yeah that will burst your eardrums

#126645 by ConfusedGenius87
Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:29 am
Eh I always know it's coming so I just wait for it.

#127933 by the toilet
Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:50 am
The Death Of Music, when you're in the right mood for it, is one of Dev's finest songs.

#128351 by Introvert
Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:55 pm
This is the best Dev song. And easily one of my favorite songs ever.

Have you guys heard Eurythmics' This City Never Sleeps? It's from their 1983 album Sweet Dreams and is also brilliant and somehow it does remind me of DTOM. Just take a listen :)

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