Hey, this is my first post in this forum... my name's Camilo. I'm from Chile and one of the few Devy fans over here...
For the last couple of days, Infinity has been kicking my ass, so I said "WTF" began listening and writing my feelings, so... here it is, my interpretation of the album! I don't think it's "correct" or "definitive" as the interpretation itself changes from listener to listener.
Hope you like it!!!
I seriously can't express how epic, grandiose and infinite this album is. It just feels larger than any space and longer than any time. I really mean it.
Truth: First, the soft introduction. Sounds something off Ocean Machine, like the sea waving goodbye, caressing us before we leave. Or like a gentle flower growing, moving "in tune" with the sun. Then, the quake.
All Heaven descending into us in less than 4 minutes. We see life passing us by, we see Heaven, Earth and Hell and beyond.
My friends, the gates of Infinity are open.
"It's back."
Christeen: We are reminded of our loves, our passions, the things that are so earthly and "human". Probably our first love, that girl that made us go crazy when we were young. Times were simpler back then. Life was good. And she made things better (and worse at the same time).
"Oh, we know, and we're feeling so much better than before..."
Bad Devil: We all have two sides. We all fight with ourselves. We all have that deep secret, that hidden "self" watching and lurking. And here is the representation of that human conflict, light against dark, the known against the unknown.
At the end, nobody wins. It's the Equilibrium, the balance. We need that, we need feeling crazy sometimes (if we're too quiet) or the feeling of calmness (if we're too crazy). The thing is we have to know how to control ourselves...
"Train won't stop, never gonna stop, and it's coming back to carry me back home..."
War: If we don't do that, however, if we can't control ourselves, we will probably lose our own "self" in the process. Lose contact with reality. Things are getting stranger by the minute, and at the last minute we are reminded that we all need Love, we have always wanted that. And we are also reminded that everything started from Chaos. We are doomed anyway, no matter if we fight or not, right? Not quite.
See that window? See that door? See the white light? Follow it.
"God, quiet! Just a little bit of quiet please! Just stop the noise for once... please!"
Soul Driven: Maute Dingas!!! Love is still holding us, Love is still eternal, we have a Soul, we Love and are Loved. If we reach contact with that Soul, we will be able to overcome our own problems. We will find the way to the Love that is prepared for us.
It's that rebirth. Once we are one with ourselves, the new age will begin. Before that... we are only....
"Only love and and acceptance of faith will convince you that you're not alone..."
Ants: That's right. We are only ants, working for the Swarm, the Colony. We lives our lives as if everything's "there" and things must be done. Change doesn't exist. Free will doesn't exist. Money money money money money sex sleep eat drink dream.
"All we need is money, just a little bit of money, and that's all that we've searching for..."
Colonial Boy: Yes, we are still humans and need carnal love, sex, we have fantasies. We have all been there, done that... we're wilder than we think we are! It's normal... it's just another step...
"Watch the boy, he feels it all... watch the boy, he heals it all..."
Dynamics: And here we are, after our long journey. We know that we have to be one with ourselves, but to accomplish that. we must realise we're humans and we're prone to make mistakes. Life changes and so must we... everything is dynamic. And now that we have changed, we're at the edge of life and have Infinity in front of us.
We still have hope. Even if God fails, we will be able to overcome obstacles, we will win... but we have to understand that we can't win alone...
"There's only one key to unlock the door, you must get by the metaphor..."
Unity: That's it. We must be one with life, with death, with everything and nothing. We will win united. After that... we will be Home, where we belong.
"It's alright, now we're home..."
Noisy Pink Bubbles: Probably this doesn't belong here... I see it more like a "bonus track" or something.
We depend on something, whether it's drugs, alcohol, a state of mind, an idea, a person. And sometimes... we have to let it go.
"But you make all the hurt go away, and all I can say it it's day after day, God, I know..."

For the last couple of days, Infinity has been kicking my ass, so I said "WTF" began listening and writing my feelings, so... here it is, my interpretation of the album! I don't think it's "correct" or "definitive" as the interpretation itself changes from listener to listener.
Hope you like it!!!
I seriously can't express how epic, grandiose and infinite this album is. It just feels larger than any space and longer than any time. I really mean it.
Truth: First, the soft introduction. Sounds something off Ocean Machine, like the sea waving goodbye, caressing us before we leave. Or like a gentle flower growing, moving "in tune" with the sun. Then, the quake.
All Heaven descending into us in less than 4 minutes. We see life passing us by, we see Heaven, Earth and Hell and beyond.
My friends, the gates of Infinity are open.
"It's back."
Christeen: We are reminded of our loves, our passions, the things that are so earthly and "human". Probably our first love, that girl that made us go crazy when we were young. Times were simpler back then. Life was good. And she made things better (and worse at the same time).
"Oh, we know, and we're feeling so much better than before..."
Bad Devil: We all have two sides. We all fight with ourselves. We all have that deep secret, that hidden "self" watching and lurking. And here is the representation of that human conflict, light against dark, the known against the unknown.
At the end, nobody wins. It's the Equilibrium, the balance. We need that, we need feeling crazy sometimes (if we're too quiet) or the feeling of calmness (if we're too crazy). The thing is we have to know how to control ourselves...
"Train won't stop, never gonna stop, and it's coming back to carry me back home..."
War: If we don't do that, however, if we can't control ourselves, we will probably lose our own "self" in the process. Lose contact with reality. Things are getting stranger by the minute, and at the last minute we are reminded that we all need Love, we have always wanted that. And we are also reminded that everything started from Chaos. We are doomed anyway, no matter if we fight or not, right? Not quite.
See that window? See that door? See the white light? Follow it.
"God, quiet! Just a little bit of quiet please! Just stop the noise for once... please!"
Soul Driven: Maute Dingas!!! Love is still holding us, Love is still eternal, we have a Soul, we Love and are Loved. If we reach contact with that Soul, we will be able to overcome our own problems. We will find the way to the Love that is prepared for us.
It's that rebirth. Once we are one with ourselves, the new age will begin. Before that... we are only....
"Only love and and acceptance of faith will convince you that you're not alone..."
Ants: That's right. We are only ants, working for the Swarm, the Colony. We lives our lives as if everything's "there" and things must be done. Change doesn't exist. Free will doesn't exist. Money money money money money sex sleep eat drink dream.
"All we need is money, just a little bit of money, and that's all that we've searching for..."
Colonial Boy: Yes, we are still humans and need carnal love, sex, we have fantasies. We have all been there, done that... we're wilder than we think we are! It's normal... it's just another step...
"Watch the boy, he feels it all... watch the boy, he heals it all..."
Dynamics: And here we are, after our long journey. We know that we have to be one with ourselves, but to accomplish that. we must realise we're humans and we're prone to make mistakes. Life changes and so must we... everything is dynamic. And now that we have changed, we're at the edge of life and have Infinity in front of us.
We still have hope. Even if God fails, we will be able to overcome obstacles, we will win... but we have to understand that we can't win alone...
"There's only one key to unlock the door, you must get by the metaphor..."
Unity: That's it. We must be one with life, with death, with everything and nothing. We will win united. After that... we will be Home, where we belong.
"It's alright, now we're home..."
Noisy Pink Bubbles: Probably this doesn't belong here... I see it more like a "bonus track" or something.
We depend on something, whether it's drugs, alcohol, a state of mind, an idea, a person. And sometimes... we have to let it go.
"But you make all the hurt go away, and all I can say it it's day after day, God, I know..."