The infinite waltz, welcome home, ladies and gentlemen
#84198 by asparagusDuck
Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:44 pm
i've heard the insect on the infinity cd referred to as the infinity butterfly, but is it really a butterfly or a moth?
The fact that in soul driven there is mention of a moth would lead one to believe that the insect on the album is a moth and not a butterfly. I'm talking about the "sing maute dingas" part.
i know this is a stupid and pointless question but i'm really bored and was just listening to soul driven so it got me wondering.

#84210 by Atari
Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:45 pm
well that's a butterfly because each wing comes in two parts.

Help you any?

#84234 by beavis christ
Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:10 am
I dont know what it actually is but as far as I understood it is supposed to be a moth.

#84237 by EphelDuath666
Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:15 am
it's supposed to be a moth? :shock: Well, you never stop learning...

#84262 by Atari
Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:55 am
The HDR store says Butterfly...........

#84277 by gurp13
Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:03 pm
Atari wrote:The HDR store says Butterfly...........

You're arguing with the guitarist of the DTB? I remember one time somebody criticized "Alien" when Gene was around and Gene was, uh, blunt. Something tells me Brian will be nicer about it. But, still. I'd take Brian's word for it. :lol:

#84302 by Coma Divine
Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:11 pm
gurp13 wrote:
Atari wrote:The HDR store says Butterfly...........

You're arguing with the guitarist of the DTB? I remember one time somebody criticized "Alien" when Gene was around and Gene was, uh, blunt. Something tells me Brian will be nicer about it. But, still. I'd take Brian's word for it. :lol:
Yes, yes...I remember the "Alien discussion" (not mentioning any names... :wink: ).

Suffice to say (adopts David Bellamy voice) that this wittle cweature is a perfect specimen of the order Lepidoptera and should be worshipped in naked wituals awound campfires at midnight.


Sorry, I have the flu...


#84360 by Archetype
Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:32 am
Man, I hope I never meet such a big fucking moth...
It could eat your entire sleeve of your shirt in one sitting.

#84376 by EphelDuath666
Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:19 am

#84379 by Chris
Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:34 am
Pictures like the one posted by Lars always come to my head when listening to such a beautiful piece of music as Infinity :lol:


#84391 by beavis christ
Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:14 am
All right who doubts me!! :lol: I dont actually know for a fact that it is a moth but I do remember him saying something about a big ass moth he encountered in Australia. And he has a moth on one of his guitars I know this cause I asked him why he had a butterfly on his guitar :shock: and he replied no dude its a moth. We are starting to record the new stuff today so I will ask him and clear this all up.

#84396 by Coma Divine
Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:22 am
Damn right! It'd take more'n a Patriot missile to knock an AUSSIE moth outta the sky!

Fuckers have been known to carry off small children... :lol:

#84406 by Chris
Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:09 am
beavis christ wrote:... We are starting to record the new stuff today ...

Sorry about ignoring the rest of your post - but... I want this album so bad

If I was a moth, I'd fly into the studio and watch you guys now.

#84469 by gurp13
Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:09 am
beavis christ wrote:All right who doubts me!! :lol: I dont actually know for a fact that it is a moth but I do remember him saying something about a big ass moth he encountered in Australia. And he has a moth on one of his guitars I know this cause I asked him why he had a butterfly on his guitar :shock: and he replied no dude its a moth. We are starting to record the new stuff today so I will ask him and clear this all up.

See? There you go. Beavis is on the case.

And, I just want to take a moment to point out that I doubt there are many other musicians or bands who would actually do this. I mean, here they are getting together to start recording the new album and here's Brian going, "Okay, so we've got all these songs to do, but before we start... Devin, some of the fans were digging into the vast minutia of your creative output and we were wondering, is that a moth or a butterfly on the cover of Infinity?"

:lol: Come on now! Everybody has to buy two copies of Synchestra from HDR direct, one for themselves and one as a gift. We owe it to these guys! It's rediculous how open and kind they are! :-)

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