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Christeen EP

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:56 am
by organic spiral
I just got it in the mail yesterday. Oh my god!! These songs are incredible! I never realized how much of a headfuck Infinity was supposed to be. Boy if these songs were on that album it would be absolutely perfect!

That's why I love dev. He takes care of his fans and releases almost everything he does in some shape way or form. I am a better person now that I've heard these songs. Sit in The Mountain is just addicting!! Om is a tour de force and Processional is an absolute lapse into godliness!! Very good shit. It says something when your b-sides are better than most other bands' musical careers

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:09 am
by Blazingmonga
Absolutely right!

OM is one of my favourite songs...and the start of Processional has some of Devin's best vocal work, in my opinion. Sit In The Mountain is simply beautiful.

And Love Load is....mad! Havent heard the original though.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:11 pm
by Coma Divine
I still to this day can't believe that Sit In The Mountain never made it onto Infinity or any other album for that matter...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:33 pm
by Amaran
I'll get my copy of the Christeen EP together with DevLab, Punky Brüster and the press CD next week. I've been waiting for two years and now I'll finally get it.

The first thing I'm going to do is to reassemble the Infinity tracks and put the songs from the EP in between, so I get the "original" Infinity tracklisting... one song needs some serious cutting and some more need to be cross-faded and stuff like that. It'll be interesting and I hope it won't be too hard to get all that stuff done.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:47 am
by Marshall Bravestar
Coma Divine wrote:I still to this day can't believe that Sit In The Mountain never made it onto Infinity or any other album for that matter...

Absolutely. One of my favourite songs and could've saved me years of finding that album just slightly annoying.

As I said on another thread:

"...just replace Bad Devil with Om and WCB with Sit In The Mountain. That'd do it. That'd be perfect for me."

I know that wouldn't be the original track list, but it'd be a great one. Plus I wouldn't wanna lose Noisy Pink Bubbles which wouldn't be on the album if it'd been released to it's original tracklisting.

Imagine though if Infinity had all the tracks it does have AND the ep stuff too. It'd be mammoth!! Nearly reaching double album lengths!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:52 am
by EphelDuath666
I love this CD. I had it before but was finally able to really purchase it last week. It still amazes me. Processional is one awesome track. Almost like a soundtrack. Awesome stuff!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:40 pm
by psychotic
I agree with the comment about b-sides from Devin being better than most band's entire careers. It's amazing how with only five tracks that Devin can blow the mind as much as he does. Amazing work!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:27 am
by Marshall Bravestar
Some of his best work. Thank god he thinks enough of his fans to put all the "not so good"(Yeah right!!!!) stuff out there on these neat little web-only CDs.

A rare thing indeed...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:03 am
by Persuader
There´s just something Godlike over all these songs...Sit in the mountain is pure beauty.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:41 am
by jon
i just got my copy of infinityEP (and Devlab) in the post at the start of the week and i was totally blown away.

are the ass-sordid demos similar to this stuff?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:55 am
by King Fear
jon wrote:are the ass-sordid demos similar to this stuff?

No they're not. Maybe the song "Ocean Machines" off ASD1 comes close, but the other stuff sounds more like "demos" in the usual sense of the word. The songs on the Infinity EP are quite incorrectly labeled as "demos".

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:34 am
by jon
but the ass-sordid demos are still good? yes?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:58 am
by Coma Divine
Just like King Fear said - the Ass Sordid stuff generally has a slightly less "polished" sound cf. that of the Infinity EP, but still worth a listen to get into some of Dev's roots.

Good. Yes. :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:55 am
by King Fear
What he said. Good, yes, mindblowing, no.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:36 pm
by GDiddy
Coma Divine wrote:I still to this day can't believe that Sit In The Mountain never made it onto Infinity or any other album for that matter...

I always say that same thing. It would've made a perfect second single for the album.