Follow the way Follow the way Holding mother
#70835 by simen_88
Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:58 am
I recently played a series of concerts due to a school project. Before the first one, I was extremely tense and nervous. So I decided to put on The Complex to relax. Then, suddenly, I realized that Physicist is mostly a very agressive album which manages to inspire a feeling of no feelings at all but a zen-like calmness. Any similar experiences?

#70848 by Olive?
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:20 am
Had a similar experience 2 years ago before a gig with my band. We had to support a big band and the crowd was of approx. 4000 people. I was a kinda scared so I went to the dressing room in the backstage and put on the headphones of my iPod. I listened to Jupiter and Planet Rain with my eyes closed and the drumsticks in my hand. I felt more calm and relaxed.

I never tried it again... I must do it! :wink:

#70850 by Dunkelheit
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:25 am
devoid had that effect on me

#70906 by Stonegaze
Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:02 pm
I used to get that very feeling from playing Namaste by myself.

Listening to Kingdom gives me calm, comforted feeling. It really saves my day if something's wrong and I'm down.

"Hell is here but it hath no fury/Like this woman still, there is no worry"

#70952 by acid
Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:52 am
i agree... i listen do devin's stuff a lot when i'm doing artwork.... because i can phase out and focus really easily

this entire CD humbles me... it puts everything at ease...

#70990 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:54 am

It does have 'extreme' elements, but there is a certain sort of 'sparkle' or sheen all over it. Like if you took away all the noise you could see something quite spirtual. Like dark clouds infront of the night sky. Maybe? The album makes me feel like I am walking through a snowy landscape under a starry sky.

Heh. I do know what you mean though, and although I think that this is something inherent to Devin's musical style, that it is more apparent here that elsewhere.

I think everyone is keen on slagging the production of this disc, but I think the way it came out is essential to the character of the album. It DOES sound different to other albums, but thats just part of what it is.

#71391 by doomsoldier
Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:19 am
A few nights after I first got Physicist, I fell asleep listening to Jupiter looping on my headphones. Awesome, underrated track.

#71427 by simen_88
Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:45 pm
doomsoldier wrote:A few nights after I first got Physicist, I fell asleep listening to Jupiter looping on my headphones. Awesome, underrated track.
Agreed. It's among my favorite tracks on it.

#71909 by GDiddy
Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:52 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:I think everyone is keen on slagging the production of this disc, but I think the way it came out is essential to the character of the album. It DOES sound different to other albums, but thats just part of what it is.

That ambient sound is what turns a metal song into a townsend song. What do we call this? Angelic metal?

#71919 by simen_88
Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:47 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:I think everyone is keen on slagging the production of this disc, but I think the way it came out is essential to the character of the album. It DOES sound different to other albums, but thats just part of what it is.
Is there anything wrong about the production? I think it is marvellous.

#71939 by Archetype
Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:58 am
It's all a matter of taste. I also like the production, it was the first album I ever bought which had something to do with Devin, and I'm still in love with it.
Great combination of aggressiveness and melodies. Fear Factory,eat your heart out ;)

#75090 by ianlogan123
Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:03 am
I'm afraid its an album I don't listen to enough. It doesn't have quite the same appeal as the other Devy stuff, but there are just some moments when it is what I need to listen to.

#75806 by zed10R
Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:22 am
'Sup all. I have not posted much, but I wanted to voice my praise of the Phizzy album as well. It is awe inspiring and put's my head in a place that nothing else can. Like some of you said, it's a calm place. It sucks you in and all you are is there, in that moment. In all the rage and fury, it communicats an intense satisfaction. Almost joy even. It is one the most amazing albums I have ever heard.

And the production is part of the appeal! Crisp, clear, transparent. Not enough bass or kick drum depth, but fuk it. It is a work of art in the highest degree.

#77353 by Cygnus
Tue May 03, 2005 7:04 am
Physicist, to me, seemed to be like a slightly more melodic version of SYL. People have badmouthed the album because it was all different and stuff, I like that album. Its different in a way that an SYL fan would appreciate.

Physicist was my first dev album, and it got me into him. I was a huge fear factory fan at the time, and the album reminded me of them.

#77394 by djskrimp
Tue May 03, 2005 8:01 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:Absolutely.
Like dark clouds infront of the night sky. Maybe? The album makes me feel like I am walking through a snowy landscape under a starry sky.

I hate being a weather forecaster....I can't see the bunnies in the clouds anymore...all I see is cumulus, stratus and altocumulus castellanus.....

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