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#130161 by Biert
Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:19 am
the_scoon wrote:I'd say that's quite weird, but hey, who wants to be normal? Being normal is for wussies!

The man's right, you know.

#130206 by Persuader
Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:38 am
I saw it as, well not an inverted cross, but a fallen one. Kinda just lying on the ground...if that makes sense.

#130209 by JuZ
Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:25 am
Kivenkantaja wrote:
JuZ wrote:
the_scoon wrote:I always saw it as a sword...does that make me weird?

I always think sword too, but I can't think of any reason WHY it'd be a sword. :?

Oh, and yeah, it does make you weird. But only as weird as me, so take that however you like!
Only as weird as a guy who has a japanese chef as his/her avatar?

:lol: Hey, don't make me lay the smack down with my tasty hot beanpaste, spicy szechuan style!

#130210 by JuZ
Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:30 am
Biert wrote:
the_scoon wrote:I'd say that's quite weird, but hey, who wants to be normal? Being normal is for wussies!

The man's right, you know.

Weird is good... weird and interesting is even better.

#130256 by EternalMetal
Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:00 pm
Knowing Devin, it probably just looked cool. I mean, it is a cool looking "t" and all. I think we as fans overanalyze his original thought and add a deeper, more philosophical outlook on the music than what he thought of in the beginning. Not that this is a bad thing to do, but if your wondering what the Terria logo is, its probably just a t.

#130278 by Deathcom7000
Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:49 am
EternalMetal wrote:Knowing Devin, it probably just looked cool. I mean, it is a cool looking "t" and all. I think we as fans overanalyze his original thought and add a deeper, more philosophical outlook on the music than what he thought of in the beginning. Not that this is a bad thing to do, but if your wondering what the Terria logo is, its probably just a t.

Makes sense for an album that says "And music, well it's just entertainment folks".

#130281 by Noodles
Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:13 pm
Chris wrote:
Yanko wrote:by what i know of devin

that's probably a phallus.

The most unrealistic answer so far!

...But also the funniest one :wink: And yeah, it's Devin, so maybe I should think about the "unrealistic" again...

EDIT: Why does the Now Playing box only allow such a limited number of letters? :lol:

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