A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#154109 by Torniojaws
Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:34 pm

The Six Phases of Unrest

It's a bit more devious song that's basically about a very strange nightmare, where the subject phases between different visions :)

Have fun ;)

Oh and while talking about the next album after Wasteland (which needs a few more vocal tracks) I've completed four demo songs now, and I'm very much in the writing mode. If all goes well, I'll have 10-12 tracks done by the end of the year :)

#154120 by chillidemon
Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:09 am
well , let me be the first to reply , very very nice , has a real raw edge feel to it , and if i am not mistaken , i hear the influence of Dream Theater and Behemoth in that tune , nice riffs mate , be interested to hear more of your stuff , but this tune with some good vocals would kick ass.
keep up the good work.

#154126 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:06 am
Damn, these all rock! I love all the really-technical-but-still-totally-thrashy riffs you cram in there. Lookin' forward to more new stuff.

#154127 by chillidemon
Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:31 am
yeah just listened to the other 2 tunes , and hell yeah , they kick ass , Retribution has a nice SYL/Emperor feel too it in my opinion , nice work buddy.
Look forward to more stuff when its finished lol

#154132 by Ike
Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:11 am
whoah, my goodness! the first one is AWESOME! excellent work, dude :D
i still have to try out the other two, but "the six paths..." rocks my hairy anus like a really rocking thing! the chords and lead guitar in the slow part are really strong, and all the other parts are equally stunning in their own way. also, the synths are great, and the drums are programmed with style. it's so dense and well thought-of (or it seems so, at least), without sounding overproduced or too intellectual.
all thumbs up from here :D

#155045 by Ike
Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:21 am
nice layout :) and i d/l'd the other two tracks. write +1 on your fan list. interesting stylistic mix!

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