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#153984 by Josiah Tobin
Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:15 pm
Cool cover! Not as sparkly as the original, but it has its own flavor. I think the 'Christeen' chorus parts are mixed a bit loud (they sound too separated from the 'that's all I ask of you,' whereas they flowed together more in the original), but other than that, nice job :D

#153989 by armheadmcgee
Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:42 pm
Haha yeah, I agree with all of that. I had it all mixed, thinking it sounded relatively bright. Then I played the original...I was not even close. His mixes just cut like a knife.

Also, the whole middle section that goes "feeling so much better than before" etc., is rather pathetic on mine. I tried forever, but I just can't sing that high, so falsetto it is. Thanks for checking it out though!

#153993 by Archetype
Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:00 pm
I like the drum sounds, and the guts for trying to sing a Devin cover :P. Hats off to that...
The guitarparts are a little off to the original song. The sound is pretty good though. Where the bass? Did you record it or did it just disappear in the mix?
I don't want to comment a lot about the voices, because I can't even get close to singing a note like Devin, but the mixing of the vocals could be a lot softer. It's a shame that you couldn't scream the "SAY YOU WANT TO BE WITH ME" part; it's a little weird to hear a grunt there :P

#154007 by funny_little_guy
Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:47 pm
Props for doing all the vocal overalys, I could never be bothered.

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