A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#150166 by danra
Tue May 22, 2007 8:16 am
If anyone remembers Tidal (http://www.soundlift.com/tidal), my project which was on the allstars cd, this is the new thing I'm involved in:


It's a band I joined on bass while Tidal was still going, but now it's my main thing so I'm getting involved in the writing as well.

Thought people might be vaguely interested, and anyway I find it hard to resist plugging myself sometimes (oo er missus).

Last edited by danra on Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

#150170 by Blazingmonga
Tue May 22, 2007 8:48 am
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the update! This band sounds pretty cool...reminds me of many cool things. Just upon writing this, a part in Part One sounded a bit like Idlewild. And thats cool because they are Scottish. And cool.

Erm, but yes, this is good stuff!

Will there be more from Tidal though? That seems to be more your 'solo' project next to this, yes?


#150172 by danra
Tue May 22, 2007 9:05 am
Tidal's sort of on the backburner really, I didn't like being the 'leader' in a group so I'm just going to keep that for when I feel like recording something that doesn't feel like it'd fit with this band. I'm getting more involved with the writing for ToR now though so I might just be able to turn us into a proggy metal band if I'm lucky ;>

(Actually I've got another myspace page for my solo stuff, basically Tidal but abit more metal, just demos and stuff at the moment: http://www.myspace.com/prepareyourselve ... ubjugation - stole from Ziltoid for the name ;>)

#156536 by danra
Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:55 am
Ooooookay...I posted on this and other threads the other day, and it looks like my posts have been deleted. Um...? Or did something happen to the board?


Ah, a bit of snooping reveals the board had to be backed up or something.

So...erm, we've got our EP out if anyone's interested, it's available from our webpage or myspace via paypal if anyone fancies a copy. I don't really like doing this promoting thing, it makes me feel dirty and cheap, but the fact is we spent a grand on it and if we don't make some of it back we won't be able to afford to make another one!

Now, time for a morally cleansing shower.

#156587 by Blazingmonga
Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:12 pm

#156898 by fragility
Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:40 am
Good stuff as usual. Nice to see you're in nottingham as I'm working up there for the next 6 months (I'm not following you around the country, honest ;)) ...having said that....I'm no more likely to manage to catch one of your gigs, so far I'm spending large amounts of time driving around the one way system in Nottingham city centre and never getting to the place I intend to....anyway, I digress....nice work, I might have to treat myself to the EP

#156955 by danra
Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:49 am
cool, ta very much! well, we've only got one more gig in nottingham lined up on the 29th of september at the old angel...although obviously the more people that can attend the merrier! otherwise it's london on the 25th sept or derby in november.

anyway, enough of that...if you fancy the ep but don't have a paypal account, just let me know and i'll sort it out for you.

as for nottingham's one way system, yes, it sucks - but it's nowhere near as bad as derby's, which i went round 3 or 4 times the other day...

whereabouts are you staying?

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