A place to share your own music and creative projects.

Well? Any good?

#135112 by djskrimp
Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:34 pm

I invite each and every one of you, (who wants to), to take a listen.

1) These are scratch tracks. The sound isn't very good, because I am still learning how to use Cubase. The point of this, actually, is to see if I CAN learn to record music that is aurally pleasing.
2) I've never been formally taught to play guitar, nor can I read music. That means I have a rudimentary understanding of music. I say that not so that you'll be gentle, only so that you understand that it won't be particulary complex, nor will it be mistake free or in perfect time. Drummers are my favorite people in the world for a reason...they keep me in time.
3) Be as mean as you want, but please be constructive. All I ask is this:
SHould I pursue with songs like this and polish them, or should I go back to the drawing board?
4) The song titled "The Kids" is near and dear to me, as I am writing it for my kids. So, feel free to comment, but be a little gentle on that one.

I've been here long enough, I know how you guys are...and I appreciate it. That's why I am trusting your opinions.

(By the way, what's a really good file hosting site?)

The songs:



#135116 by Goat
Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:29 pm
From riffs to songs is a long way. I think you feel your music, so pursue, by all means. But, where do you see those riffs going? I mean, these riffs and lines could go million places. I'd suggest you lay down some rhythm patterns to get some drive underneath. A lot of work is still to be done before we can judge this as a product. All in all, thumbs up.

#135123 by djskrimp
Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:40 pm
Goat wrote:From riffs to songs is a long way. I think you feel your music, so pursue, by all means. But, where do you see those riffs going? I mean, these riffs and lines could go million places. I'd suggest you lay down some rhythm patterns to get some drive underneath. A lot of work is still to be done before we can judge this as a product. All in all, thumbs up.

Not really a "product", per se. I just want to make something that is worthwhile...that's why I am asking for the input of those on this board. Most everyone here has good, discerning taste. I don't want to continue down this avenue if it isn't worthwhile, hence me asking in the early stages. I will upload the finished products if the road I am on now is deemed worthy.

#135126 by JuZ
Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:09 pm
My two cents:

Nice work, mate!

I really like where you're headed with The Kids. That could evolve into a beautiful song.

LOVE what you're doing about midway through Scratch Five. Immediately started "hearing" vocals running over it in my head.

As Goat said, some rhythm running under this would be cool to hear. Some drums in particular would be nice. But hey, in I'm not a musician so I'm the last person to start telling you what I think you should do with it.

And one other thing... if it makes you happy, do it regardless.

#135422 by kyl88
Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:12 pm
I love you clean tone!

And I agree you should continue- like Goat said, you feel your music.
It's easy to hear that, and that says something, I think. :wink:

#135423 by Goat
Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:05 pm
djskrimp wrote:
Goat wrote:From riffs to songs is a long way. I think you feel your music, so pursue, by all means. But, where do you see those riffs going? I mean, these riffs and lines could go million places. I'd suggest you lay down some rhythm patterns to get some drive underneath. A lot of work is still to be done before we can judge this as a product. All in all, thumbs up.

Not really a "product", per se. I just want to make something that is worthwhile...that's why I am asking for the input of those on this board. Most everyone here has good, discerning taste. I don't want to continue down this avenue if it isn't worthwhile, hence me asking in the early stages. I will upload the finished products if the road I am on now is deemed worthy.

Heh, you need to define "worthwile". What is worthwhile to you? Do YOU want to like YOUR music or do you want OTHERS to like it? It's kinda silly, I know you already know this stuff, but the first one who needs to like your music is you. Your logic of "playing it safe" (tell me now if it's worth it) is false: only in retrospect the path will turn out to be worthwhile or not. First you have to walk it! All we here can tell you is are you on a path or are you standing in the middle of nowhere. Well, we're telling you, right now with this you are standing on a path, you have a good pair of shoes on, but you're only standing. Now you have to start walking, and we can't guarantee you you'll end up where you want to. That's the work YOU have to do. That work comprises of a vision a following that vision. I mean all this in the nicest and most positive way of course, I just wanted to clear up a little philosophical misconception that haunted your question, hehe. Have a killer trip, dude! :)

#135426 by djskrimp
Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:52 pm
Goat wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
Goat wrote:From riffs to songs is a long way. I think you feel your music, so pursue, by all means. But, where do you see those riffs going? I mean, these riffs and lines could go million places. I'd suggest you lay down some rhythm patterns to get some drive underneath. A lot of work is still to be done before we can judge this as a product. All in all, thumbs up.

Not really a "product", per se. I just want to make something that is worthwhile...that's why I am asking for the input of those on this board. Most everyone here has good, discerning taste. I don't want to continue down this avenue if it isn't worthwhile, hence me asking in the early stages. I will upload the finished products if the road I am on now is deemed worthy.

Heh, you need to define "worthwile". What is worthwhile to you? Do YOU want to like YOUR music or do you want OTHERS to like it? It's kinda silly, I know you already know this stuff, but the first one who needs to like your music is you. Your logic of "playing it safe" (tell me now if it's worth it) is false: only in retrospect the path will turn out to be worthwhile or not. First you have to walk it! All we here can tell you is are you on a path or are you standing in the middle of nowhere. Well, we're telling you, right now with this you are standing on a path, you have a good pair of shoes on, but you're only standing. Now you have to start walking, and we can't guarantee you you'll end up where you want to. That's the work YOU have to do. That work comprises of a vision a following that vision. I mean all this in the nicest and most positive way of course, I just wanted to clear up a little philosophical misconception that haunted your question, hehe. Have a killer trip, dude! :)

You're right, and I thank you for the kick in the ass.

I'll post when I have one or two done.

kyle88 I love you clean tone!

Fernandez FR-40 guitar, ZOOM G2.1u guitar processor and that's it. Yeah, I really like the clean tone the Fernandez gets, too.

#137539 by superhydroyeast
Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:54 am
4) The song titled "The Kids" is near and dear to me, as I am writing it for my kids. So, feel free to comment, but be a little gentle on that one.

geez man. that track actually made me want to cry! it's sooo gorgeous! massive kudos to you for that! it has that emotional touch to it that really gives it that edge. you can really tell when a song has emotion in it. limited apparatus or not, that touched my heart. I sincerely think you should continue with this and I really look forward to seeing what else you make.

#137563 by fragility
Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:05 am
Sorry, I must have missed this post at the time, but I think this stuff has some definate potential, I can imagine this working really great. Keept at it and keep us posted :)

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