A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#130255 by Josiah Tobin
Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:14 pm
[Copied from the SYL board. Sorry, I'm lazy]
Let's hope that title is ambiguous enough for me to be able to post most of my stuff in this one topic. :P

Alright... This is a song I just finished recently. Everything but the guitars was already done for about a year+. It was just an old, noisy, sample-filled industrial metal drum track that I never had the means to put guitars over. I was looking through all my old Swimfail stuff recently and decided to play some live guitars over this one.
It's EXTREMELY noisy, perhaps noisier than alot of the stuff on HAARHT and City, though whether that's good or not is up to you. 21 sample/drum layers, 6 guitar tracks-- 3 in the left ear, 3 in the right-- one less than my usual 7. (I usually record one more and put it in the middle)

Download link:

No title yet. Working title was 'The Meaning of Sound', though that's probably going to change. Oh, and one more thing, this will probably sound a million times better with a good set of headphones, as there's such an insane amount of shit going on all the time. No vocals yet.

Enjoy...? :?

(more songs to come)

#130351 by Blazingmonga
Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:10 am
Hey Josiah,

Gave this track one listen very loud and it sounded awesome. And yes, incredibly loud too! I feel it might make a bit more sense with headphones on as it was quite overpowering almost, though I am sure with repeated listens it will be clearer.

Any particular destination for this song? Its very accomplished. Swimfail 2?

If I get the time tonight I will listen again and give a more useful review.


#130362 by Yanko
Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:36 am
quite crazy, terribly nice :D
digged it. This forum is getting me out of my prognerd roots and diving me into liking industrial :oops:

#130383 by Josiah Tobin
Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:02 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:Hey Josiah,

Gave this track one listen very loud and it sounded awesome. And yes, incredibly loud too! I feel it might make a bit more sense with headphones on as it was quite overpowering almost, though I am sure with repeated listens it will be clearer.

Any particular destination for this song? Its very accomplished. Swimfail 2?

If I get the time tonight I will listen again and give a more useful review.


Well, it's not exactly meant to be clear; it's pretty much just meant to be as massive, chaotic, and insane as possible while still sounding vaguely like a 'proper' song.

It is indeed a Swimfail song-- though I have plenty of those lying around that I never end up using, and this is probably one of them as it's more of an experiment than anything. Mind you, if I can get ahold of a new amp and record better guitars for it, I might use it after all. I'd like each album I do to be in a totally different style than the last, and I've always wanted to do something that was a bit 'harder' than Borerer. (damn, I still need to start sending that one out... Maybe a review in the reccomendations thread, Monga? ;))

As for destination/purpose/whatever, this song didn't really have any planned structure; each riff was basically recorded in parts and each one improvised on the spot. The song's actually about anxiety of growing old; the original title/filename for the drum and sample track was "Old Man." I guess I had something of a Peter Pan complex going. :P Almost all of my songs are about either some form of anxiety or some kind of crazy, surreal story that's drifted into my head in my spare time. Sort of a habit of mine I guess, good or bad.

That reminds me, I have a new song that's just about finished. It's much more straightforward, more upfront guitars and drums and much less samples. It also features my vocals. (BE WARNED :lol:) That's actually the song I need the laughter samples for... (http://hevydevyforums.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=6004) They're the last thing I need to fill out the midsection before I can mix it down, master it, and post it.

Cool! I enjoy the fact that someone who doesn't normally care for this sub-genre digs it...

#130385 by Yanko
Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:10 pm
@josiah: i pretty much liked anything that is insane and extreme since always, it's just cause after my SYL treatment and some of the songs that pop around here i've been thinking of trying to do something like that myself more and more :D

#130388 by Blazingmonga
Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:12 pm
Josiah Tobin wrote: damn, I still need to start sending that one out... Maybe a review in the reccomendations thread, Monga? ;)

Today is your lucky day!

#130389 by Josiah Tobin
Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:49 pm
Wow. I cannot thank you enough for such a flattering review. :shock: Apologies for bugging you about it, I was just curious to see your detailed thoughts... but I never expected that. *bows* Many, many thanks and mangoes.

#130551 by Naffis-kun
Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:50 pm
Those noises in the background fit in perfectly!
Well done ;).

#130553 by JuZ
Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:08 am
Hey, I really dug that, JT. That was... "bombastic" is the word that springs to mind, for some reason.

Thumbs up!

#130558 by Blazingmonga
Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:59 am
Josiah Tobin wrote:Wow. I cannot thank you enough for such a flattering review. :shock: Apologies for bugging you about it, I was just curious to see your detailed thoughts... but I never expected that. *bows* Many, many thanks and mangoes.

That was the short version...honest! I still havent done it justice.

#130562 by Biert
Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:02 am
Blazingmonga wrote:
Josiah Tobin wrote:Wow. I cannot thank you enough for such a flattering review. :shock: Apologies for bugging you about it, I was just curious to see your detailed thoughts... but I never expected that. *bows* Many, many thanks and mangoes.

That was the short version...honest! I still havent done it justice.

Geez get a room, you two :P

#130568 by Blazingmonga
Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:28 am
Biert wrote:Geez get a room, you two :P

I'll leave the door open for you, sweet cheeks...

And anyway, have you heard the Swimfail album (Borerer)? If not, you are missing out! If you had heard it you would understand me.

#131901 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:00 am
New song.
Awhile ago, on a programming forum, someone heard one of my songs and asked if he could use it in a go-kart racing game he and his team were developing. He wanted a metal soundtrack to it, so I offered to make a bunch of songs for the game. This is the most recent one:
http://rapidshare.de/files/37058494/sol ... 1.mp3.html

Most of the other songs I made for him are in various tunings-- Open E minor, drop D, drop C... This one's in open B. It wouldn't be such a pain if I didn't use such thin strings: 9s. Had to re-tune after each take. :? Anyway, the hassle was worth it; I managed to get a pretty menacing, if somewhat rough, tone with this one.

The song is all downpicking (and tapping/pull-offs for some parts), played in what I would assume is a slightly non-standard manner-- this is what I'm curious about, actually-- my hand was positioned more vertically above the strings, as opposed to having my palm rest by the bridge. I guess a better description would be closer to the hand position required for finger picking/classical guitar? I dunno, I got a really tight downpicked palm mute sound with it, so I think it's cool. :P Wrote and recorded the song in a few hours, as I tend to be doing nowadays, for better or worse.

#131915 by Blazingmonga
Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:29 am
Really cool song dude!

I don't know much (read: anything) about downpicking or mute palm trees, but this is a really good tone you have come up with. Sounds extremely tight and is recorded and produced very well.

The song itself isn't your most interesting, if I am to be honest. Then again if I imagine myself driving a go-kart it seems to make more sense and would probably suit that perfectly.

At any rate, how the heck do you come up with stuff like this so quickly?!!

Good stuff dude, well done.

#131925 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:20 am
Thanks! :)

Blazingmonga wrote:The song itself isn't your most interesting, if I am to be honest. Then again if I imagine myself driving a go-kart it seems to make more sense and would probably suit that perfectly.

Yeah, alot of the material I'm writing for him is much more straightforward metal; less sampling/layers, more typical song structures, etc. It's basically meant to be background music, so I think it'll work well in the end.

Blazingmonga wrote:At any rate, how the heck do you come up with stuff like this so quickly?!!

To be honest most of it's just throwaway stuff that I toss together along with one or two really cool riffs to make it sound half-decent. :lol: There are some exceptions, of course-- Moth Wing Mountain was written the other way around. While sometimes I spend more time on a song, I rarely write it in more than one sitting. I just often find it hard to come back to.

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